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Modifié par The Corellian : 12/12/2014 4:26:46 PM

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch

Dear Bungie, I want to like you guys, I really do. I want to like Destiny. I can get over some of the wonky ways you guys have this game work, but there are certain things that are not acceptable in this kind of game. This is, quite simply, a list of ways you are jerks to your players and things that need to be changed IMMEDIATELY. Not taken into consideration or put in a patch months from now, NOW. These are things you shouldn't have even been able to release the game with. 1) DLC Pay Wall: Today I logged onto Destiny to do my daily and weekly missions, only to be met with a wall of padlocks. Every single one was DLC ONLY, effectively locking me out of doing really what are the only relevant PVE content in the game for max level characters. In no universe is this behavior acceptable. I understand you want to push the DLC, but you are doing so by horrendously penalizing your players that already spent $60 on the game to begin with. You literally just removed content from the game. In the gaming world, that's high treason. I really don't give a damn if the dailies and weeklies will only sometimes be DLC missions and other times be regular. The fact that it can happen at all is not okay as DLC content should not even show up for those who haven't bought the DLC, much less harass them and remove content. 2) Ascendant Material Nonsense: This actually ties in very closely with the issue about dailies and weeklies. Right now for me, the only materials I need are Ascendent Shards to get my gear that has already unlocked all of the levels to finally be maximum level. It has been weeks of me doing dailies and weeklies trying to get enough to upgrade it all, but to no avail. There are simply not enough ways to get these materials. I have to log in every day to play the daily and once a week for the weeklies and the raid, but that is literally it. If I replay a Nightfall mission, I get NOTHING. Despite being one of the hardest style missions in the game, I will literally get nothing because I already did it once. What is this? A Facebook game? I have to come back tomorrow to try again? I am all in favor of dailies and weeklies as a way to get extra goodies, but there is no NORMAL way to get Ascendant Materials in the game. If I've done my weeklies, when I log on for the day I spend about 20 minutes doing my daily and then am at a loss of what in the world to do in order to get those damn Ascendent Shards. Sure, I can spend forever and a half getting up enough points to buy stuff to take apart from the Vanguard and Crucible traders, but why is the only option to get these materials to destroy other Legendary gear? Everything else, including the Exotic Shards, can be purchased individually. It just turns the game into a giant scam to get you to spend way too long doing things that have almost no chance of getting the item you need. 3) No F*ckin Matchmaking: I'm not even going to go into detail about this one because it shouldn't even need to be said. Add matchmaking options for the daily missions, weekly strikes, and for raids. It's as simple as that. I can go to the Vanguard Matchmaking section and choose other strikes with multiple difficulty levels there, why do the options end at such a low level while the weeklies and raids go up to such a high level? You promised us a social game and yet when we try and find other players to play with you tell us to go f*ck ourselves, here's a website you can use. 4) Event Timers: How is it that random people on the internet can establish a timer system for events and yet you guys cannot? Granted, the online ones do not always work perfect, but still. At the very LEAST you could put it on your companion App. That App is legitimately useless by the way. If it could find me parties and give me event timers, it would have a point, but it does not. Events are some of the best ways in the game to get marks and experience, and yet you making tracking them down a complete chore. They don't always even seem to follow the regular pattern they normally do. I've had it where an event will go through four, even five cycles and it still does not happen. 5) Flawless Raider Platinum: The Flawless Raider achievement/trophy is the most f*cked up achieveable ever conceived by man and should not be required in order to platinum the game. Let me just get this straight, I need to get myself and five other players through the hardest mission in the game, with dozens of ways to die instantly for stupid reasons, and if there is even one slip up, it is HOURS of time lost? Multiplayer achievements are already a big red flag when it comes to platinuming games, but I can survive with the simple ones like get x number of kills, play x number of matches, that kind of thing, because I know that slowly over time if I play enough Crucible, I will unlock them all. A trophy that is dependent on FIVE other players delivering a flawless performance is just straight up, a dick move. Keep the trophy there for all I care, it gives crazy people something to strive for, but you cannot, under any circumstances make it a requirement to platinum the game. Seriously, screw you. It is going to be the only trophy that is stopping me from a platinum. Fix this complete nonsense immediately. Also, on the note about trophies, how is it that the Relic Hunter trophy still exists despite the fact there is no way to get it anymore? You removed Salvage games, so why is there still a trophy for a mode that no longer exists?

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