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Modifié par Camo Hobo : 12/20/2014 8:13:40 PM

Someone got into my account from another console and deleted everything!!!!

I was playing today on Destiny at around 5:30 pm and I got signed out of my account from another console, so I just signed back in, but then got signed back out again. I had to leave with my brother and later that evening, I wanted to show my friend my sick newly acquired Obsidian Mind warlock helmet. So I got on to the Destiny Companion app on my phone and saw only one character, it was a level 21 hunter with horrible armor and no exotics. I previously had three characters: level 29 warlock, level 30 titan, and a level 28 hunter, all with plenty of exotics and legendaries and awesome stuff. I thought that the app was glitching out and showing one of my characters from several months ago, so when I got home, I got on Destiny. I only found that one character. Very few legendaries, almost no glimmer, NONE of my exotics, and my warlock and titan have been deleted. I have never shared my password with anyone and when I sign into my account on a friend's Xbox 360, I don't save my password. I read a reply post from Bungie of a guy who accidentally one of his things, and Bungie said that " The following services cannot be provided: Recovery of dismantled items Reset character features Transfer of items between platform accounts Reset or refund weapon and armor upgrades Refund currencies on accidental purchases Revert Exotic Bounty choices Refund materials on accidental reforged weapons Restore deleted characters The choices you make in Destiny are often permanent. Please be careful when you perform any of the above actions. Additionally, please use caution when sharing your account and characters. " None of this was my fault, and I know you (Bungie) said that you can't restore these things, but please help out a loyal fan who is very much dedicated to your games since Halo. I have spent a HUGE amount of time playing this game and have gotten very far with acquiring and would hate to stop playing it now. I would not in my right mind delete two of my three characters and ALL of my exotics and materials and almost all of my legendaries. PLEASE HELP ME GET MY STUFF BACK BUNGIE! I want to keep playing this amazing game and many more to come. Thank you in advance for your help

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