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Modifié par Faustianity : 12/22/2014 3:11:18 AM

Ruin wings bug (cause and fix)

EDIT: 5 TL;DR I was using ruin wings and they worked wonderfully, then all ammo drops for any weapon type ceased completely, after experimentation I found the cause and solution and now they work fantastically again. The Ruin Wings are a great exotic in my opinion. At first the Ruin Wings clearly did force an increase in heavy ammo drops, and it was nice. Then I started the Vault of Glass on Hard. Everything is going okay confluxes are going smoothly, but I am CONSTANTLY out of ammo. No worries I'll just look around harder for ammo while resorting to punching everything. *still no ammo drops, not even primary* *maybe im just in really really poor standing with RNJesus* Finished confluxes, and oracles, and continue to gatekeeper and atheon. Still no ammo drops. No heavy, no special, and no primary. Have resorted to waiting for empty ammo refill godsends. Maybe it was just the VOG being buggy. Continue to ROC strikes. Still NO ammo drops. Go to patrol. Its raining men. If men were ammo. Has anyone else encountered this problem? BTW: Unequipping the Ruin Wings does not solve the problem within strikes/raids. PS4 is console EDIT 1: [b]Logging out[/b] of destiny [b]does not fix[/b] the problem either. EDIT 2: At this current moment in time, the problem seems to have resolved itself. Although I have no idea what I did to resolve it. I guess its theoretically possible that I had egregiously pissed off the RNG gods somehow and went through multiple strikes and a raid without a single ammo drop. Will update if problem presents itself again. EDIT 3: After much experimentation, I have found the trigger and fix for this inconvenience. And possibly some insight into how the Ruin Wings actually work. If Destiny is left idle until you are logged out, multiple bugs happen such as invisible ships and not being able to inspect others' ships, and those on your friends list not seeing you as playing destiny when you are. A complete lack of ammo drops is now included in this, and I'm 98% sure its linked directly to the Ruin Wings' ammo drop modifier. [b]Cause: Idle Time Force Logout[/b] [b]Solution: Restart Destiny.[/b] After my experiments I am also pretty sure about how the Ruin Wings work. It seems that they do not add a flat x value to heavy ammo's drop percentage, but more keep the total chance of ammo dropping the same, and pull percentage from both primary and special's chances to drop. For example (made up numbers) if primary has 25% chance to drop on kill, and special has say 12.5% to DOK, and heavy has 6.75% to DOK normally, total chance for any ammo to drop would be 34.25% and with the Ruin Wings equipped that chance is still 34.25% but maybe now primary is 12.5%, special is 6.75%, and heavy is 25%. (again random values) ,And for whatever reason, when left idle 'til logout, that percentage is pulled to 0 without adding any % to heavy's chance. EDIT 4: It seems people are taking this post as a reason not to use the Ruin Wings. To clarify, after I found the cause and solution to my issues the Ruin Wings' Seeds of Ruin perk is absolutely fantastic. Heavy for days.

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