Dear Bungie,
I have a issue with connecting to destiny servers. When I play I get disconnected from Xbox live. I know what you are thinking it is not you it is Xbox live. But this has not been happening before. Recently my brother has also has gotten destiny for his Xbox 360 as well as me. But here is the catch. I had Destiny since it came out and I never had this happen before until my brother got it. So I think that the problem here is that since we are both trying to connect to your servers we get kicked off Xbox live due to us sharing the same IP address. I would like to know if you only allow only one(1) IP address on your servers per person in the same house. If this is the case then will you be able to fix that problem by opening up your servers so the same IP address can connect twice so we are both allowed to connect at the same time? If this is possible I will be so happy to be able to play again without any issues getting disconnected.
I have tried everything I could to fix this myself! I have tried many things such as:
Reset my modem
Reset my Router
Tested my Xbox live connection
Cleared my system Cache
Many of these things have been tried more than once yesterday and today. But I think that it is because more than one(1) of the same IP address is trying to connect to your servers.
If you could try to find a solution please reply back to me it will help so much! If you do read this thank you for listening to me it really means a lot.
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