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3000+ replies
[You guys came up with so many great ideas. I really wish Bungie had a look at the comments here.]
[b]Come on, Bungie, give us the freedom to choose whatever suits our style best and don't let those awesome weapons you've designed become obsolete. Actually, don't let the stunning Vault of Glass (best content in the game) be consumed by the darkness.
I believe that Raids and its weapons should always be the at level cap. More weapons to choose from, more content to play.
Weapons are mostly situational and mixing them is part of a successful strategy (it's fun too). Having more to choose from just add to the game.
Edit: I'm not suggesting to automatically turn them into 331 attack weapons. Just give us a way to upgrade them to the current attack cap. I bet you guys can implement it in a sensible way.
Why would we go against the idea of having more relevant weapons at our disposal? It's like saying "I'd rather have less weapons, less content". Let's not be passively attached to an old format. Destiny is something new with immense potential.[/b]
Some great comments Bungie should pay some attention to:
AJIc3CoLd said:
"But what they decide to do with VOG weapons speaks to the future of the current raid weapons as well. Right now, there is an expiration date on my Fatebringer and that sucks, supremely, but now that same feeling isn't too far for my Black Hammer either. I'd like to carry these weapons with me as long as I am playing Destiny. Yeah, future weapons maybe better and I end up scraping these guns one day but I'd like to be able to decide for myself versus having no choice in the matter. Just my take on the situation".
JoshLags said:
"The problem lies within the way they have designed the upgrading system. They are going to have to re work how you upgrade weapons and armor. Yeah they could just update the VOC gear up to 32 and 331 but what happens when the House of Wolves comes out? Then they are going to have to update both Dark Below and VOC all over again the prevent them from being obsolete. They need to just make it were the players can choose the path they want to take. You choose what armor and weapons you want to upgrade to the highest rank. I mean make it a difficult task. I wouldn't mind the challenge and it would inspire players to be more creative with their characters rather than every single person wearing the same gear".
"Upgrading older legendary weapons could finally give a use for the Gunsmith beyond buying ammo and weapons at a low level. Not to mention it would help provide a larger variety of "good" weapons so that we would have more things to work towards. After all the various DLC's are done, just imagine how varied the weapon and armor selection would be. (Speaking of which, vendors should be able to upgrade armor as well.)"
I ran VoG last night just for fun, don't care about drops, just a nice throwback :)
Modifié par JarodColdbreak : 4/7/2015 12:59:27 AMFor a long time I would have agreed with you. But then somebody on the forum said something and I changed my mind. I do not know who it was, so if you recognize yourself in this drop me a line or something so I can credit you, but it went like this: "You guys all come from a FPS background so you have no idea what it is like to play an MMO like WoW, where you constantly grind for gear that gets outdated with the next update." (Paraphrased) Yes, it made sense. Newer raid weapons are supposed to outclass older raid weapons. The very system the game is creating depends on it. You can not upgrade the legendary weapons from VoG because you need to have some weapons that get outdated. You are not meant to have all weapons at the same damage lvl forever. It makes sense. You want to feel that by doing the new content you will get better items than by just doing what came out 6 months ago or so. So, I get where you are coming from, and I can understand your frustration, but doing it the way you suggest is not healthy to the system. The weapons you are referring to are not irrelevant, they are just irrelevant to higher level gameplay. You can still do the VoG at 29 or so and get the weapons and play with them if you want but for higher level content you need better gear. The system has to work like that otherwise you will remove a lot of incentive. So I hope VoG weapons will stay the way they are. They are still great to use for lvl 30 content etc.
Have none of you played a game like WoW? In every expansion old ggar becomes outdated, it's how a game like this works.
Defo agree that "endgame" guns and to the lesser extent gear should always be relevant. I'd love to be still playing the game in a few years and new guys be asking wtf I'm using and how the he'll I got it
Bump ;)
VoG weapons aren't irrelevant in any sense of the word. Fatebringer: one of top PvE weapons in game. Pradeths Revenge: Arguably the top PvP sniper and also one of the only void snipers. Prateorian Foil: Arguably the best PvP fusion rifle. Highest impact fusion rifle. Corrective Measure: Easily the top PvP machine gun. Also a useful heavy for void nightfalls. Found Verdict: A super powerful shotgun. Vex Mythoclast: Anybody who's ever been in crucible knows that it's not irrelevant.
Modifié par Monsterzero_1965 : 4/2/2015 6:07:27 PMAn easy solution to the problem would be to have a Crux like item drop in VoG that you can attach to VoG weapons to raise their levels to 331. Then another Crux like item drop in Crota raid that c an be attached to Crota and VoG weapons to raise to whatever the next damage cap will be. ....that way players have the incentive to run VoG again,and Bungie still forces people to cough up cash to buy the DLC...Win-Win
If they kept year 1 raid gear at current level cap everyone would keep using them. That's not what they want. Fatebringer is gone. Let it go.
VoG still harder than Crota
Weapons updated: Yes Armor updated: No Why: If armor was updated when if you were level 32 and all you had to do was give up some measly glimmer or materials, there'd be no enticement to buy and play the new dlc
The reason why they should be frozen in time is because there would be no weapon variety. All you would see is Fatebringer.
Most of the people who bumped this thread have probably been brainwashed into thinking Destiny is an MMO and therefore it's totally OK to get screwed over on an annual basis.
Necrobump for the lolz
I just want VOG level 35 with new looking gear
What do you call a pachyderm that no longer matters?? [spoiler]It's irrelephant.[/spoiler]
We did it guys
F this I say it should be 365.
Yay you won
It's a new world