Hey all!
Just wondering which handcannon you would choose of these two.
The Devil You Don't
Venation III
Got both of them last night as rewards for Nightfall (Venation III) and The Devil You Don't from the Daily. Trying to make the switch but wanted everyone's feedback.
Vene over devil you don't any day, impact and mag size on devil make it utterly useless unless you have the field scout perk but even then it's impact is hideously low. vene w/o FS carries 8 rounds and it's impact and stats are on par with the devil you know which was the HC of choice before dlc along with fatebringer and the nice exo HCs
Thorn or The Devil You Know.
The Last Word
Thorn wishes you wouldn't waste your time There can only be one
The devil you dont i got a great set of perks on mine its on my 32 hunter take a look preformance bouns give me more ammo when i kill enemies and it holds 13 bullets plus crown controll perk so im amazed eith it
The devil you don't is bad ass HAWKMOON type bad ass
I ended up picking up a new scout rifle. I used the venetion for a good few runs and decided to keep it with me.
Venation: Hip fire, armor piercing rounds, single point sling, send it and mulligan (8 rounds) Devil: zen moment, high caliber rounds, snapshot, send it, and crowd control (5 rounds)
It really depends on perks. Vendor version is awful, but I just got the devil you don't today with some awesome perks from vanguard package and it looks SWEET. But if it weren't for field scout and the other perks, it'd be a useless piece of junk with those five shots. It all depends on your luck.
Depends on what perks are on them but pretty much if he devil you don't doesn't have field scout it is a no go
Venation III
The devil you know > the devil you don't Tried to use tdyd today and it's just terrible compared to tdyk I gladly take the slightly less damage if it means I get 12 rounds and a much more reliable weapon in general - the devil you know is my go to for pvp and most of pve (I use my suros for stuff like modified missions just because the larger mag means I can take out multiple weak enemies quicker without reloading so I don't get swarmed and the chance to return health when going up against multiple shielded knights and witches is always useful)
Modifié par TheArtist : 1/30/2015 12:30:45 AMUnless TDYD has the Field Scout perk, don't bother. A five round magazine in a legendary HC is a joke....and a not-very-funny one at that. Venation III is a very good HC
Depends on the perks. I loved my The Devil You Know but they stopped selling it. Luckily I found a New Monarchy Red Hand IX with a range buff and one random bullet does extra damage. My new go to weapon.
Neither. I have TLW and Thorn. Really the only ones you need. c:
Neither I'd use the fatebringer.
It is hard to give you an answer considering that you haven't stated any perks on either weapon. Random drops have random perks. Having a field scout on either gun puts it ahead. The fact that Devil you don't only has a 5 round mag, it would need an unbelievable roll for me to consider it. I actually have one that had a great roll, and it still holds nothing to my TFWPKY 1969, and that holds nothing compared to my Word of Crota. Rule of thumb, go for high impact, double digit rounds in the mag or the closet thing to it.
Venation III. I like higher impact on my hand cannons and the bigger the clip the better.
Venetation III
Depends on perks, but so far Red Hand XI, New Monarchy drop, is the best I have used.
Word of crota or fatebringer