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Modifié par DVD R0M (TIMELOST) : 1/30/2015 11:20:26 PM

So nobody will help me finish off Crota on hard because...

I don't have a gjallarhorn. I've been playing since day one. I know the strategies. I either get stuck with clueless randoms or elitist assholes who think that is the only weapon that will work. Funny thing is I've been with groups with one Gally and sever HoCs and his shield is down almost instantly. Because experience doesn't matter. EDIT: I'm on PS4 :/ EDIT: Thanks for all the responses and kind words (mostly.) If you want to help me out and you have beaten Crota on hard, add me on PS4: HDDVD_R0M with a message saying you'll help. I'll be in tonight, 12am central, all night. FINAL EDIT: So I finally beat him last night and guess what? I got crap drops. Glowhoo, another raid helm with same perks, and my 3rd Patience and Time that I don't plan on using. All that hard work and time wasted... damn.

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  • I find it pathetic how there is a belief people need Ghorn to drop Crota. I was the Swordbearer for my team last night. Guess how many people had Ghorn? One whole person. Guess how many attempts we had? One try. Our first try. With any kind of Rocket Launcher. If you were on Xbox 360 I'd help ya out man. People are dumb shits when it comes to this game sometimes.

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