I believe this needs changed because of the lack of control you have over it and adding the ability to earn a 5 kill streak count towards the bounty rewards a player and gives them the ability to work towards it rather than hoping and waiting for an opposing player. There is a reason a merciless bounty isn't in the game and I agree with it not being there (as it's own bounty), however; I think this change adds it to the game and at the same time improves the bounty 'Party's Over'. Another reason I want this change is the fact that when you have a fire team of good-great players (premade or not) your chances of earning this bounty actually drop significantly. Also, if you didn't realize, the 2 medals synchronize nicely earning your kill-streaks and knocking your opponents off of theirs you can call this new bounty "There Can Be Only One."
I have done this bounty three times but won't complete, anyone know why