Simple question. If TTK turns out to be overhyped will you leave?
EDIT: Why would I leave if TTK is a disappointment? Because this is the last chance and last straw. I've given bungie to many chances, and too much money. This DLC is gonna be the most expensive and if I get an overhyped Piece of horse shit [i]again[/i] then I'm done.
To be honest though, bungie has Greatly improved the game since the TDB disaster. So I highly doubt they'll ruin this DLC.
Check out the "#Desticlestanman" tag to view more of my threads
Most likely I'm leaving regardless because I see little point in shelling out $40 for something that will be outdated when they up the light level and force yet another regrind and invalidation of my time invested with the Christmas DLC expansion and rebalance of the weapons yet again to satisfy the pvp babies.