A stick.
[spoiler]Post dad jokes to pass the time with white new New balance style[/spoiler]
Whats big and white and cant climb a tree? [spoiler]a fridgerator[/spoiler]
Edited by Ghost593835: 1/31/2017 5:01:45 AMWhat do the boy with no hands or feet get for his birthday. [spoiler] a treadmill[/spoiler]
What does a racist doughnut say? [spoiler]White Powder! White Powder![/spoiler]
Whats Forrest Gumps facebook password? [spoiler]1Forrest1[/spoiler]
Why couldn't the bicycle stand up on it's own? [spoiler]It was two tired. [/spoiler]
What do you call a person with no body and no nose? [spoiler]Nobody knows.[/spoiler]
What do you call a fly with no wings? [spoiler]a walk[/spoiler]
Two windmills having a conversation W 1: Hey what's you're favorite music genre W 2: I'm a big heavy metal fan [spoiler]HAHAHA[/spoiler]
Why did the coffee file a police report? [spoiler]it was mugged.[/spoiler]
How do you make holy water? [spoiler]You boil the hell out of it.[/spoiler]
What do you call a dog with no legs?[spoiler]Doesn't matter, he's coming anyways.[/spoiler]
What did the buffalo say when his Son left for college? [spoiler]Bison.[/spoiler]
Where do yoy go to learn to make ice cream? [spoiler]Sundae school.[/spoiler]
Why did the scarecrow get a promotion? [spoiler]Because he was outstanding in his field. [/spoiler]
How do you make a Kleenex dance? [spoiler]Put a little boogie in it.[/spoiler]
Why did snoop dawg bring an umbrella? [spoiler] FOdrizzle [/spoiler]
What do you call a cow with legs shorter on one side? [spoiler]lean beef[/spoiler]
When your car door is open, it's no longer a door. [spoiler]It's ajar.[/spoiler]
What do you call a jackolantern [spoiler]lit[/spoiler] What do you call 2 witches that live together? [spoiler][i]brewmates[/i][/spoiler] [spoiler]yes I know Its too late for Halloween jokes…[/spoiler]
Why did the baker have smelly hands? [spoiler]he kneaded a poo[/spoiler]
Edited by DarkEraser: 6/3/2019 3:13:28 AMShit. [spoiler]I might get banned for racism[/spoiler]
What's brown and rhymes with snoop? [spoiler]dr dre[/spoiler]
What's ugly and fat as f*ck? [spoiler]the ninjas that are going to ban me[/spoiler] [spoiler]please don't take it personally and ban me 😄🔫[/spoiler]
What do you call a man with a spade on his head? [spoiler]Doug[/spoiler] What do you call a man with a Seagull on his head? [spoiler]Cliff[/spoiler]
What has four legs, a pillow, a mattress, and some blankets? [spoiler]My dog because it kicked me out of my bed.[/spoiler]
What's red and bad for your teeth? [spoiler]a brick [/spoiler]