No, there shouldn't be. Gay people aren't special. They're humans, just like everyone else.
Edited by Ve7n00m: 4/10/2017 10:38:14 AMWhy? I don't get why anyone needs a set event to celebrate themselves. I'm a straight white guy, I don't need a straight white guy parade. All people are equal.
No. I play Destiny to shoot bad guys, not celebrate $#&t.
Doesn't make much sense in a near extinction world. Everyone is on even level meaning they have equality. There's no need for it. All the events celebrate all life or all life lost. And we don't need sexuality put into a game like Destiny. It's not mMass Effect, they're just npcs not romance options.
Where is pizza event!!!!!111!!1oneone
Do you not consider the LGBT community equal to other human beings?
Ew no.
Guardians are all peoples from all cultures of all genders from the entire planet. Sexual orientation in those circumstances would be pretty irrelevant. Certainly a more enlightened view than some but IMHO, we don't need a pride event in Destiny. You are what you are, and what you are is a Guardian. And yes, I still think Shiro is Cayde's missus (blame the other half). 😉
Nope. Keep the real world out of it.
No. Just no
Bungie isn't doing anymore events for destiny 1.
No, something like that does not belong in a FPS. You can hold your own LGBT with other people from the forum or your friends, but the developers shouldn't be forced to make an Event for it. I am not against LGBT, but there are things that should not be in games. We define ourselves in this game by customising our characters, which doesn't have anything to do with real life. Get a group of people together and wear the same shader and emblem for a day or something like that.
Lol I see from the comments your troll post was successful. Well done good sir,lady,ladyboy,boylady,ext.ext.
In that case straight men should have a special day as well. Men with dogs day, m n with cats day, for etc.... Get over yourself you are not more special than anyone else because you are gay.
I'm sure bungie could spend a few days add lgbt emblem etc maybe Deck out tower and add a new music track maybe just something to show the lgbt that they are reconised and valued