Several times in the last few days, I've had the Cryptarchs decrypt Engrams (one was an exotic, maybe 4 or 5 legendary/rare's), only to have nothing happen when the engram is Decrypted. No gear comes from it, no items sent to my post-box, or to my inventory.
I wouldn't care all that much except it's happening with Exotic engrams, and that's a waste of 3-of-Coins, which is a waste of Strange Coins...
[UPDATE] Here's Video-Proof as was requested in comments.
Any armor engram can decrypt into an artifact. If your artifact slots are full, the artifact will move to the postmaster, and the item will not appear on the right side of your screen (as only items directly entering your inventory appear there). Exotic engrams that decrypt in this manner provide legendary artifacts, as there are no exotic artifacts.