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11/28/2018 8:05:17 PM

Exotics in Forsaken.......

I’ve been playing almost everyday since the launch of Forsaken and gotten a total of 4 exotics and i’m far beyond the time that a casual player spends on this game. Three of these exotics has been Y1 dublicates btw (after the patch where they ”fixed” this issue)...... I know Bungie wanted them to be more rare than prior to Forsaken exotics was but I think they’ve overdone it a bit since they barely drop anymore. And don’t get me wrong, I love the grind there is to it but it has come to a point where the drop rates are too low unfortunately. A good step in the right direction could be as simple as increasing drop rates by 20-40%. If you agree, please vote this post up so that Bungie might see it, thanks.

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  • The trick to getting exotics is by doing all milestones on all characters. Raid, 100K nightfall, Shattered Throne, Blind Well, weeklies and dailies. If youre relying on enemies to drop a wild exotic engram, youre going to be waiting for a long time. This is where the general complaint from most casuals are from. They just expect a wild exotic engram to drop from enemies. If that were the case, the whole community would have been swimming in exotics by now. Hence also why no one has mentioned a proper loot cave farm. And yet, you have your supposed "Elitists" who have nearly collected all the exotics. They focus their milestones compared to casuals.

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    19 Replies
    • WTF nobody told me forsaken had new exotics.😱

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    • How about you go through all your Powerful Engrams, do it on all your characters, just for one reset. Enjoy your exotics.

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      2 Replies
      • They should go back to D1 exotic rates. And by that I mean, nightfalls having a higher chance to drop them. As well as hidden exotic raid chests. If they do that, they could even lower the drop rate in the open world but it would still make it more fun and exciting finishing that nf and running the raid on all three characters each week. As it is, exotic drop rates are pretty much completely random and not fun.

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        • I’m in the same boat mate. I’ve have put in well over 700hrs into forsaken and have got 3 new RNG exotics. I have opened the raid chest 3 times a week since it’s launch and still no 1000 voices or any weapon. I have a triumph score of 57500 and now all I see is causal players being rewarded with amazing RNG. I’m not asking for them to be handed out like your self but seriously the duplicates are ridiculous and the over all drop rate is a fecking joke. Bungie stop fixing trivial problems like ‘transmat effects’ and how about fix the things drop rates and rewards that come from completing hard tasks like collecting all the eggs and being rewarded with the exotic harbinger sparrow; or the collecting all ascendant chests triumph. I really do love the game and since D1V but I’m at the point where I believe none of you care about the players and care more about micro-transactions.

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          3 Replies
          • You only did one raid .... soooooo you don't do all possible things to get exoitcs sooooo don't complain ^^ I get 2-3 every week

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            9 Replies
            • I've actually given up on hoping for them. I'll just do the laat couplebthings I have left to do and then move on and never buy another product from Bungie ever again. Not interested in one of the reasons to play is made so ridiculously hard to get, which by the time you do get them the game has basically run its course and is no longer fun enough to try those items out. I remember back in D1 doing endgame content really did have a higher chance of netting you an exotic(really did feel that excitement at the end of a nightfall reward screen), but I've gotten all my exotic drops from -blam!-ing bounties and random ass enemy majors. Getting exotics doesn't feel the same anymore, because it doesn't even matter what you do since it could come from practically anywhere with no seeming difference. At that point that's just laziness and poor game design. No doubt they'll put them in fated engrams when Black Armory drops, but I'm not likely to be still playing by then, so there's no point for me.

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              2 Replies
              • not getting what you paid for in a game isn't good business...

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              • I got 3 in one day playing crucible, queen breaker,2tailed, cerberus ;)

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              • 4

                D2: Time Wasting Simulator - old

                I wanted One Eyed Mask from the moment I saw it. That was a couple weeks before Forsaken released in some early footage about 15 or so weeks ago. I’m hundreds of hours in and still don’t have it. I’m to the point I don’t even play on my Hunter and Warlock much at all. Not getting it after playing 5-10 hours daily after a month or so is just bad luck but not having it drop after 13 weeks is just ridiculous.

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              • Edited by ImmortalRice: 11/30/2018 5:04:38 AM
                I been playing a lot too. Was doing vanguard with my friends and a exotic engram dropped from the chest, i scream and walk towards it. It was a god damn ugly sparrow. And thats the only exotic i found.

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                1 Reply
                • I took a break from this game for a few days, then on reset i got the Antaeus Wards and Queenbreaker both on my Titan from 2 of the milestones

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                • When you finally after many, many hours hear that Exotic sound effect. You look at edge of your screen... ...and it's Oathkeeper. Just why Bungie, why. To top it off, it has zero, none, no perks related to bow at all.

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                • Major reason for taking a break and not buying the Annual Pass is the exotic drop rate. 4 since Forsaken launched. What a mockery of player effort.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Well you have streamers to thank for this. They wanted more rare Exotics and this is what we got. My advice is to quit looking for them and wait for Xur. This is coming from someone who has done just about every milestone on his Hunter every week since launch and have yet to get a Hunter Exotic. My last exotic drop was about a month ago (Raiden Flux).

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                    7 Replies
                    • Idc now baby. At first I was angry Now I’m happy. First Forsakem exotic:Galanor on a Hunter. So freakin Happy! I’d love to get the malfeasance now

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                    • I think they are in a relatively good spot, where not everyone has access to all of the exotics, and when you get one it feels great.

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                      136 Replies
                      • I have zero...

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                        3 Replies
                        • I've gotten several exotics a week since the update I'm missing only a couple forsaken exotics I got the trophy for having 10 I also have almost all the exotic weapons except for wishender Cerberus 1k voices and legend of acrius... Idk how much more they can adjust the exotic rate when some people have good RNG (myself) and some people have bad RNG (you) .. Hopefully you have a good week soon with exotics bro

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                          2 Replies
                          • I have been playing everyday and after the update that was suuposed ti remove year 1 weapons i have only got 3 exotics 1 from foresaken (weapon) aeon swif wich i already had since osiris and a darci wich supposedly the update "remove" from the list.

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                          • Just play the game and don't worry about exotic drops. I've gotten everything except titan and hunter armor exotics. All I want it one eyed mask. So I will continue to play everyday until I get it.

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                          • I finally got Trinity Ghoul last night, the only rng drop weapon I wanted so I'm happy

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                          • I've gotten 4. 5 with quests

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                          • I've got 1. Excluding quests. 1...

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                          • It’s been the same for me. Got about 5 exotics past four weeks, and 4 were duplicates. 4. I’m not joking

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                          • My buddy has texted me every time he has gotten an exotic tonight. He has texted me 6 times so far. 4 of them have been year 2. He has in ~4 hours and still counting of playtime had more exotic drops than I had from forsaken being released to the Halloween update at the end of October. I had a total of 5 exotics after +or- 4 hours of playing a night from forsaken dropping to the update that buffed the drop rate. I have had one exotic drop since the update which was two tailed fox, but I have slowed down how much I’ve played destiny since the start of November because of grad school and the fact bf5 came out. In addition my buddy had 4 forsaken exotics before he started playing tonight. So in review I’ve had 6 exotic drops since 9/4 with 1 being a year 2. My friend has had a minimum 10 exotics drops (he didn’t track the exact number) with 8 of those being year 2, and four of them being obtained in one night! Tell me RNG isn’t bull crap.

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