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Edited by FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 1/10/2019 8:36:25 PM


It is becoming more and more clear that streamers are ruining the game: Primary and primary gameplay Masterwork cores being infusion Niobe labs being puzzle that only streamers would have the time to solve while we watch Etc etc etc

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  • Some of the YouTube tutorials are useful. I remember when we had to get our ass kicked in the crucible to figure out what the meta was. Now all these streamers just want to be the first guy to identify the most op weapons and builds. I don’t think streamers improve the experience.

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  • Streamers didn’t ask for primary-primary gameplay Streaming something doesn’t automatically give you enhancement cores. That just comes from playing the game (especially easier with how common I find them), and streaming doesn’t immediately make you better at solving puzzles either. Streamers also don’t give feedback based for their playstyles, in fact, most streamers youtube channels are FOR casuals to find endgame content easier with explanations and such. They want Destiny to be the game for everyone, but still a reason to play for hardcore players. You can’t scapegoat a streamer for every time you don’t like something in Destiny.

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  • I cant say i hate them but they do influence in a way not appealing to the folks who have real jobs.

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    • Edited by SnakePayne86: 1/11/2019 6:05:52 AM
      I think people who watch streamers are pathetically lonely and are only trying to fill the void that the lack of real social stimuli causes. They are not particularly self aware either because who would sit there and watch someone play video games? It truly is empty and sad.

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      • I think it’s disgusting how Bungo keeps catering to them at the regular player’s expense. I was indifferent toward streamers prior to this incident, but now I somewhat dislike them given the negative impact they’re having on the game.

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        • I don't hate streamers. I hate bungie's misunderstood belief that streamers represent and speak for us all and that catering to streamers is catering to the whole player base.

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          • “We” is a big word buddy you should change it to “you”

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            • Dumb post as always couldn't be more wrong. This post doesn't match what I see. It's just whining desperately

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            • Don't blame the Streamers, that's like blaming the donuts for making you fat.... if you don't eat the donuts you wont get fat!!!

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              • Edited by JLoco11: 1/10/2019 2:10:28 PM
                I will forever consider streamers nothing more than digital prostitutes..... their income method is no different than any hooker on the street. However, they're not FULLY to blame for what Bungie did with D2 and the mistakes. They're a small part of it, but not the main reason. Double primaries wasn't their fault entirely. Bungie took their desire too far with the initial gun system. Masterworks are not their fault entirely. Bungie could have tweaked the infusion system differently in a way that didn't reward opposed to making it difficult for everyone to upgrade equipment. Niobe labs was just bad design. From no checkpoints, to the expectation that people would brute force guess the solutions to the puzzles. They tried to mimic Outbreak Prime, but in the end they over thought the puzzle into the most obscure methods of solving it.

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                • Couldn’t really care about them, good or bad. It’s like politics for me— they may be my voice, but I couldn’t give a crap unless they do something [b]really[/b] bad.

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                • YOU might hate streamers. I'm rather ambivalent towards them.

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                • Streamers lol what a life choice lol

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                  • Have no idea who these streamers are, I'm too busy gaming. Only folks I know are the 70 in my clan and folks I bump into at the tower and crucible. Ain't got time to watch others play destiny

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                    • 1
                      SHOCKWAVE 134
                      SHOCKWAVE 134

                      Elite tier Hunter mains community - old

                      I like the community. Love it or hate it Bungie has done something I’ve never experienced with a video game.

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                      • I'm not gunna say anything. I wasted too much energy on another post about this bullshit

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                      • I dont hate streamers or youtubers in particular. But what I hate, are the guys who never criticise anything. The ones who talk like the game has no issues at all. They keep on praising the game, just to get invites and exclusive stuff from bungie. I truly hate those asslickers. I wont call names, but there are a lot of them.

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                      • Its interesting that the streamers are not talking much about how the puzzle affected the community. They know it was a messed up deal

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                      • Edited by Wheelaa1: 1/11/2019 11:49:20 AM
                        The real problem is the droves of mindless fools that support these internet beggars with both views and money. Sadly there are a lot of these mindless fools, so the internet beggars are here to stay.

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                      • Destiny Streamers I like: Datto Holtzmann Gladd Destiny Streamers I am indifferent about: Everyone else

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                        All the time they spent making that puzzle that wasnt even solved omegaLUL just to release it anyways .

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                      • Can you remove the "we" from your title. I don't hate streamers. Well technically I am a streamer although I don't play Destiny half as much as I used to..... please speak for yourself and don't include everyone else in your dribble.. thank you.

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                        • Edited by Snake: 1/11/2019 10:40:55 AM
                          I agree with one thing: STREAMERS ARE MAKING THE MOST INTERESTING CONTENT TOO HARDCORE FOR US WHO HAVE A REAL JOB IN REAL LIFE. guess what, we are 95% of the player population. We're not asking to make Destiny casual or for casual. We're asking Bungie to allow us to play ALL THE CONTENT THAT WE PAY FOR. I do not have 10 hours per day for destiny. I should be able to start any activity, including the raid, on day one (regardless of my light level) just because i paid for it. It's as simple as that. I might not be able to finish it, or make a lot of damage. but still i paid for it, so it should be accessible and attainable with a lot of skills (not time). Skill should be the main factor making you climb your way up to the top. Not time. Take Fortnite as an example.

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                          23 Replies
                          • I've been waiting for a thread like this. The rebellion is at hand...

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                          • Bungie literally released the new forge before the streamers could finish just for casual players and they’ve said that they might remove enhancement cores from infusion. They also added the weapon system that allows any type of play. It’s not like streamers are the only ones that want these things, a lot of the community enjoys these changes brought to this game.

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                          • "we hate streamers" Is just a saying for scrubs to justify why they are godawful players. Yes it's streamers fault your bad.

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