We are doing a one time special event to bring in the whole Destiny 2 community into a tournament scene. We are allowing you to play Destiny 2 the way Bungie intended it to be played, but with only 4 exceptions. [b]NO LORD OF WOLVES, NO HEAVY, NO SUPER MODS, AND AT LEAST ONE STREAMER PER TEAM. [/b] After this, we will continue our normal tournament with our tournament sweat rules. Keep an eye out for our upcoming tournaments which will include Gambit and Raids.
You can register your team on battlefy https://battlefy.com/thieves-den-tournaments/destiny-2-pc-4v4-clash-week-3/5d2d516e68d82e094081071d/info?infoTab=details. Semi and Finals will be casted on our channel.
"We could have beat them, if it was not countdown!"
Need more stuff like this in the community. Small buy in, fun for everyone.