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Edited by Ashfaroth: 3/9/2022 7:52:56 AM

Feedback: Weapon Crafting

Hello! Thank you for reading this. My main reason to play this game has been its gunplay and story. I love the weapons I love, I love the visuals, sounds, story so on and so forth. This game has been amazing to me. This game also respects its players, which is not something I can say for a majority of MMO style games. So, thank you Bungie. However, since TWQ launched, I've been playing this lesser and lesser (yes, even lesser compared to the drought during S15). Like I said, I play it for the guns (weapons) and the story. The story is phenomenal since the expansion launched, but the gunplay - not so much. As the system is right now, it's a highway to burnout for me. [b]Here are my frustrations with the new gunplay system so far[/b] (and please understand, I know the system is new, and I know Bungie is doing the best they think possible based on feedback they get, which is exactly what this is - feedback): 1. [b]Unlocking patterns[/b]: Unlocking patterns is a terrible, terrible experience, and you know why. This limits what I can craft quite significantly especially given that I need multiple deepsight weapons (referred to as DW this point forward) for unlocking the pattern. I can't target farm because quite frankly, it tires me out every time I try. I don't want to be burned out of the game. 2. [b]The resources[/b]: I've given this feedback before on Twitter at the time transmog (which I think was improved upon in a good enough way) was introduced: Having too many resources is an injustice to any GaaS. The way I see it is that having an increasing variety of resources makes things difficult to keep track of, creates an unnecessary extra grind requirement, and reduces the identity of each resource tremendously (Warframe is an example of a game that suffered terribly because of its resources, for me anyway). On top of that, it consumes its own space in the game's code (I'm not aware as to how impactful that might be, but I imagine creating and maintaining that code must have its own complexities). For example: I have some idea about what each element (ruinous etc.) means, but I quite honestly don't care (also, no proper tracker for these resources in game). They're capped, and don't matter to me. Neutral element, constantly running out on. Resonant alloy, capped and doesn't matter to me. Ascendant alloy, I haven't tried farming because I'm waiting on the update that improves drop rates. I don't understand the caps, except for maybe uncapping them may cause code spaghetti, or that they are only required for enhanced perks, but the caps don't matter to me, because I don't use or care about these elements. 3. [b]Progress per weapon[/b]: This has hit me as something too strong. I get a bunch of DWs, unlock its pattern and then grind the weapon up to the level that unlocks all its perks, and realize that I ultimately don't like the weapon. Another thing that has happened is that I liked a weapon at level 0, but along the way because I was grinding and grinding and realizing that all this work hasn't really given me an experience that's rewarding in an acceptable proportion to time taken to level up the weapon to unlock all perks, and I ultimately didn't want to use that weapon again because it caused me exhaustion (weapon burnout). 4. [b]Origin traits and vault space[/b]: The origin trait system is great and is great in addressing power creep in the game, and giving identity to the weapons. I don't mind it, but because the crafting system locking weapons behind multiple DWs, and because craftable weapons have random rolls I want to keep until I can unlock their patterns and level them up; and all of these taking up space in my vault, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I like weapons from before TWQ, and I am forced to choose between them, and the new weapons, which are clearly better and likeable too. I don't like this... :( [b]My suggestions [/b](addressing frustrations respectively): 1. Unlocking a pattern makes sense to me. There's no reason all weapons should be available by default to craft. But the current system is clearly bad IMO. So, bringing the DW requirement down to 1 per weapon makes sense to me. This isn't too little, please keep reading to know why. 2. Too many resources. I would recommend removing all elements, including neutral element. Straight up. These resources just have no identity for me, and I apologize to the devs for that. I don't care about these resources, and they are an annoyance in my crafting experience. So, how do we replace their function? Legendary shards, resonant alloys, ascendant alloys and glimmer. Read point 3 for more information. I believe removing these elements and keeping the alloys adds identity to the alloys, and doesn't add unnecessary grind to the game. 3. Here are examples of some numbers I think appropriate for the resources re: crafting: - Shaping: because it's the first craft for a weapon - 200 legendary shards, 30k glimmer and 1 DW pattern extraction - Reshaping: all basic perks unlocked by default. 5k Glimmer and 5 shards to switch between perks, and 20 resonant alloys to masterwork the crafted weapon (which is possible right now in-game, w/o the gold border) - Enhanced perks: unlockable, and switching costs double of basic perks. To unlock these you need 1 ascendant alloy per perk. Now, 1 unlock will be available every 5 levels on the weapon, and players can choose which enhanced perk to unlock. 4. DW weapons can grant 2 levels flat to your crafted weapon. They already give resonant alloy on dismantling (I think). Very rare chance of giving ascendant alloy (optional). This saves vault space, and have value post pattern unlock. This gives DW strong identity too IMO. [b]Why this is an improvement according to me[/b]: Unlocking the pattern for each weapon is reasonable now. Getting the DW should be enough of a grind for all these weapons. The weapons which are easy to farm are already unlocked, and the ones hard to farm are reasonable to unlock. This balances the process across the board, instead of pushing unlocked patterns to two extremes across rarities. Furthermore, nobody wants to grind for perks which a random roll already has. So having all basic perks by default makes sense to me. Saves vault space too, and I can enjoy the weapon immediately after paying the price to craft it. If I want enhanced perks, I think unlocking them is better, and giving the choice to the player to unlock what they want improves the experience significantly in both how much grind is necessary, and weapon customization and identity. I've already told you why removing the resources is necessary IMO, and I think the playerbase would most likely agree with me (please let me know in the replies if you don't, or have any other thoughts). I've given my suggestions keeping in mind that there will be a larger volume of weapons to craft in the future. [b]Other feedback:[/b] - Please uncap Resonant Alloy, if you consider implementing this system. - If you want to truly minimize the resources in-game, try sticking to legendary shards, glimmer, cores, prisms and ascendant shards If you've made it this far, you're amazing. Thank you! Get yourself a potato :p

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