All these crazy suggestions like “make bows use special ammo” or “make bows 3 tap”, both of these would make them completely useless [i]anyway[/i].
They will never be able to balance a primary weapon like this.
So just ban it.
Edit- so it’s clear, I don’t give a -blam!- about bows personally. But this is the best option lol
If bows are STATISTICALLY a problem, then Bungie will almost certainly nerf them. Bungie has stated that they take community feedback into account when deciding what to nerf and buff, so bows could end up on the chopping block regardless of whether or not they *actually* deserve it. Personally, I think bows are probably fine. They're more commonly used in Trials this season than in past seasons, but I've rarely run into them in Comp. If they were truly "OP," then I would expect to see them a lot more in Comp, especially against good teams. Regardless, Bungie is never going to remove a weapon type from the game, and that's actually a horrible solution