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Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 6/13/2024 2:49:26 PM

My problem with the exotic class item mission.

I know it sucks for us solo players and all that, whatever. It’s a subjective argument that has been around since vanilla D1. [b][i][u]MY[/u][/i][/b] main gripe about this whole fiasco is in regards to it being a two-man mission. 99% of the content in Destiny 1 and 2 is made for teams of 3+ guardians. The game was quite literally built around the idea of a three-man fireteam. It’s what has been consistently advertised over and over and over. So [i]why[/i]…. [b][i]WHY[/i][/b]…. Would you put a quest for something you [i]know[/i] everybody wants behind a two-man mission where fireteams will inevitably have to boot one of their members? Trying something new is applaudable, but this…. this is so completely unnecessary and downright tone deaf. I know the whole thing is based around the idea of dark and light “duality”, but y’all really couldn’t just let us bring a third person along? For ad clear if nothing else? I love the Final Shape, but the cracks are seriously starting to show again. Please do not regress, Bungie. [b][u][i]Edit:[/i][/u][/b] I know we’re all annoyed right now and we’ve all got our opinions, but please keep it civil.

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  • That may be a part of it but I think the real reason it upsets people is that there is zero precedent for it requiring co-op. Every exotic mission to date has been soloable. Sure they may have varied in difficulty but they’ve been doable. With this one there isn’t even a choice. You can’t launch it without a second person. Even raids will let you go in solo. Bungie has set a precedent that basically everything in PvE can be solo queued at the very least so it’s reasonable to have expected the new exotic mission to have a solo option.

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    3 Replies
    • Bait and switch.

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    • My main issue is the transparency of how it was implemented. Nowhere did they specify(or not specify) that it would be tied to a quest with limitations no other mission has. I’m all for challenging content, but don’t sell me something then tell me specifics that are fundamentally different than the norm after the fact. That’s always a bad look.

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      4 Replies
      • None of it matters, Bungie will fold and hand the Exotics out like junk mail in short order, then everyone griping about this will move onto the next thing; it's such a pattern it may as well be a tradition by now.

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        3 Replies
        • Ya, the two man mission thing is weird.

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        • Become a Youtuber...maybe BoyDev will listen then.

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        • Edited by rios5900: 6/12/2024 10:13:52 PM
          Yeah, the 2 player mission is super fun, but considering how much you’d need to farm for the 1:64 chance at the roll you want, it’s rough that it’s so inflexible. What’s more, it was really frustrating to hop on with my team of 3 on Tuesday excited to farm some class items just find we couldn’t launch the mission since it “requires 2 players”. I honestly wouldn’t mind more high quality duo and trio content like we’ve gotten this season, but this was kinda an unpleasant surprise.

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        • Titan your cabals and try again Guardian!

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        • This *actual* post is BS, so your argument is really “I have 2 others I play with but can’t/won’t do a 2 player activity” Dumbest -blam!- I read today on an already dumb forum front page filled with crybabies who won’t even attempt the mission to begin with. But this one takes the cake; everyone is so salty that they don’t want to find a second, while your argument is “I have too many”

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          11 Replies
          • dual destiny read the name

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            19 Replies
            • Edited by whateverman7: 6/13/2024 6:12:43 PM
              It has to do with the game between light and dark. It makes sense and you'll understand if you just play the mission. And no, a 3rd person would've been a waste, and wouldn't have fit the story being told.

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            • I personally think it was in an attempt to make it easier for lower manned (not solo) players to get it, dispite what I'm sure some will respond to this with, a lot of players play with exactly one other person and others only intermittently. While also trying to find a engaging but challenging way to do it, ie vow mechanics. That's assuming we give bungie the credit of thinking it through and that they had the data to support that decision, which obviously isn't a given, and it could totally be a massive oversight. Who knows. I'd bet in an alternate universe where the mission is too easy even some of the ppl complaining here now would complain that it wasn't engaging enough and didn't get their money's worth. The age old saying you can't please everyone is as true as ever.

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              1 Reply
              • No, that makes too much sense.

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