I would love to see a PC port of Destiny. I care little for a WiiU or Vita copy of it but consider that Halo 1, Halo 2 and Marathon all came out on PCs so I doubt that Bungie would completely abandon a large part of its original success!
Frankly I would enjoy a more graphically impressive game, keyboard and mouse controls, larger servers with more players, exclusive content or features, mod support, etc...
I'll still probably play the game without mods and with my Xbox 360 Wired Controller (obviously key mapping would be needed) but stuff like that would be great to see!
Above all else I *adore* the idea of Oculus Rift support; it would work so well in a game like Destiny for immersion purposes.
I would like to state though that I have nothing against consoles but I would just rather not like to have: a subscription service, less features, more expensive games, no mod support for any games, less indie games, smaller game library in general, etc... hence me getting into PCs.
I do own a console (the Xbox 360) which I can always get Destiny on if need be but I would rather get it on my preferred device.
What do you lot, the community, think?
They really should just announce for pc already. How many polls and topics do we need to make before they can convince whoever is holding this up? They want it we want, where's the conflict? Besides the console trolls of course. (Don't feed them)
Edited by Nigdalf the Blac: 6/29/2013 7:12:31 AMXbox One runs windows NT with a cut down version of Windows 8, has an x86 processor, and probably uses a modified Richland APU IT SHOULDN'T BE THAT HARD
Needed? No. Wanted.
Edited by Oorslavich: 6/20/2013 11:39:24 PMWow! Thanks for posting the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-PC-port/en-us/Forum/Post?id=60819561]exact same thread [/url]within 20 minutes of the first one. The people in the Destiny forums really do appreciate the effort you put into this glorious spam.
Yes I am waiting to see it comes out and how much they are listening to the fans. They said they are anyway... I dont care if they implement DRM like diablo.. or Steam exclusive game. MAKE it happen!!!
I wouldn't call Halo 2 for Vista "Original Success," but that's just me.
There is only one "server", albeit many servers that will house the one shard, the game dynamicly moves players between "lobbies" of players in the same situation. Graphical fidelity of the PC is a feature that developers can blow their entire budget on, Bungie is smart enough to set boundaries on things so that taking down the badguys is as entertaining with narrative and gameplay [b]as well as[/b] graphics. By realeasing on platforms that will be technicly identical years after Bungie realeases Destiny, they don't have to relearn how to make graphics logrithmicly better with each passing year, allowing more time and money to be put into Occulus Rift is just another way to experience graphics, you are a fool if you think that it will change anything in games, and a bigger fool if you think it will take off by offering support for the same old games. Oh, and Marathon was made for the Mac, a platform that changes little from unit to unit, similar to a console.
-_- Marathon came out on the Mac. Aleph One made it possible for PC.
I am a PC gamer myself and personally I don't want to see it on the PC, I am sorry friend
It's not needed, 'nuff said.
Okay we get it. I'm also a PC gamer but the repeated nagging almost makes me not want it for PC. Give Bungie a moments rest!
This is how it always goes. People want a port to PC, then when they get a port they complain that it's not good enough. I could care less if they port it to PC, but I also understand completely that people would want it instead of paying $460-$560 just so they can play Destiny when they already have a computer. I think it's likely that they'll make it, but it won't be for a long time.
Edited by JamesButlin: 6/20/2013 7:04:00 PM-deleted-
Nuff spam.
not really consoles are cheaper in the long run of things anyway
I think it should be for the pc but MODDING NO WAY NO HOW. It would be unfair to console players and modding ruins alot of games like destiny. Borderlands is the best one and skyrim its just unfair. And some might say buy a gaming pc not everyone can afford one that works that well that's cheap a decent one would cost like 2 thousand dollars. I just feel it would be unfair if u could mod and still play multiplayer when the game will always be multiplayer. But yeah it should be for pc lol
Bungie is a CONSOLE DEVELOPER now for 10 years. They may get a PC port but right now it is no.
Console gamers make up 70% of the gaming market. Also that would be way to much work adding a 5th port to the already backbreaking work of porting 4 consoles. I understand your concern, but understand that even bungie has limits
First they ask for a port. They get a port. Then they complain that the port isn't good enough. This is how it always works. Might as well save Bungie the trouble and just play on a console.
I know a lot of gamers and none of them play PC. Who has $1,000+ to buy a gaming PC? Nobody!
enuf said
Hmmm...no, it really isn't needed.
it will be crap like every other pc port. look how dark souls turned out.
I agree, a PC port would be awesome! I am a broke college student like many others on this site, and rather than wait until next summer to buy a next gen I'd like to be able to use the computer I already have that is fully capable of handling next gen titles.