Bungie dreamed up this whole "Sony Early-Access" thing as a way to trick trolls into exposing themselves. That way they will all be muted by beta-time.
0/10 The Illuminati is more plausible -_-
The Sony Ponies (not all ps fans are Sony ponies btw) need something to justify their purchase. It used to be 1080 well now xb can do that they need something else so it's early access and exclusive content. These Sony ponies will always try to justify their purchase they have this weird awkward obsession that people care or will hold them on some pedestal based on what system they play...pretty sad actually...
Dude! Where can I get one of those SWEET tinfoil hats with the horns!? Mine is just a stupid helmet...
That cat be like:
This is almost as dumb as the trolls themselves
I'm pretty sure you don't need to "trick" trolls into exposing themselves...
I'm with you on this, it's [i]definitely[/i] the case.
Jokes on them I've been muted for months.
Dude... makes total sense. +1.
I still stick by my theory that, since Destiny will be Bungie's first game to include PlayStation, Bungie will need more time to make sure Destiny will be good for PS. I don't think there will be as many problems in Xbox beta since they've been making games for Xbox for 10 years. I see the early access as a precaution.
I could see it. It's interesting watching this whole thing play out. Even more so when you look at it from the point of view of communities with different majority preferences. (Ex. Bungie.net has a slight Xbox Bias, /r/DestinyTheGame has a slight Playstation bias.)
It would make sence, and would be funny, but I dobt it will be this.
*Puts on foil hat* Agreed dude, it's all a pattern, man!
No need to mute them ... by the time they get the xbox copy out the true beta will have finished. And best part, is it also means the bugs get fixed on Playstation first - and then released to PS ahead of xbox (whilst those ungrateful xbox gamers suffer)
hahahahahaha, kitty!
sweet hat
Why do cats always seem like they are about to murder someone?
Edited by Mirzababa: 11/18/2013 5:00:07 AMOil too
Haha, no. They are just branching out. Making some extra money. It's nothing to freak out about, and certainly not a clever guise to troll the trolls. Lovely hats, btw.