T4R. I legitimately wonder what the conversation for this role was like. Did they call him up and were like,
[i]"Niel, we need your voice."
"What for?"
"A cartoon"
"Can I be a talking pig?"
"I'll do it for free."[/i]
"NGT, now that you've rapped on Cosmos we have a new roll we'd like you to consider." "Excellent, what do you have for me? More educational programming? A special on modern space travel initiatives? A discussion on string theory and black matter?" "Well it's for kids, actually we-" "Ah, excellent! Children's educational programming no doubt! A new, smarter, blacker Bill Nye!" "Um, sure. Hey, how do you feel about bovine cartoons?" ......
I need to watch this show again.
That was the best.
Omg that was amazing.