Due to the released documents, I found this to be appropriate and I haven't seen much about this subject.
CIA files were given to the Senate by Pres. Obama which details accounts of threats of sexual torture with a broomstick, sleep depravation for 100+ hours, and "anal hydration". These are not exaggerations on my end. These reports were made post-9/11. These tortures were used on known terrorists to find the whereabouts of others.
So the topic is, do you think this torture should be legal? Is this something America should endorse?
Many are appalled by the actions of the CIA calling it "Un-American" and breaks their own moral code. They say it should be illegal and the CIA should apologize.
Others say that it was justified for the greater good of the people. The terrorists deserved it and it led to many intelligence victories which the CIA claimed to have helped the war on terror.
Thoughts? Do you think it was right to release the documents in the first place? Was torture the best decision?
Oh yeah, it's completely unjustified that the people that helped plan the killing of hundreds of innocent Americans through 9/11 and kill thousands of innocent middle eastern civilians everyday are being tortured. This is an easy question