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Noobs of Destiny

Noobs of Destiny [X115]

"Good hunting"

Once upon a time, a single Noob decided it did not want to die alone. In the search of more Noobians, it looked far and wide for those who inevitably meet their fate before their journey ends.
So here we are, flying under the radar, as most will pity that we've died at least twenty times in the last fifteen minutes and spare our hanging heads.
Destiny will lead us all to certain failure and death. Completely reliant on our ghosts, we will soon raise our flag in defiance of the day.
Here, our story begins, march on fellow guardians.

Storm the hive.

  • Approvazione necessaria

    L'iscrizione richiede approvazione.
  • 6 Membri

  • Data creazione: September 10, 2014

Progresso stagioni

Aumentando il livello del proprio clan si ottengono bonus e ricompense per i personaggi. Il livello aumenta in base all'attività del clan.

Livello del clan


750 Contributi settimanali

Membri (6 / 100)




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