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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Astral: 3/4/2015 10:16:58 PM

Destiny 2 Request Topic

[b][i]This is gonna be a doozy...[/i][/b] First things first, this is NOT a thread to complain about Destiny's shortcomings (we all know), what this is for is features that should be implemented in Destiny 2 to improve the experience. Hopefully, Bungie can get a good idea of where the community stands on how they want this series to turn out. Please respect each others ideas, even if you don't agree with them. This is completely based off of opinion and personal taste, but hopefully we can find some things that we ALL want in Destiny 2. Oh, and please keep all discussions on-topic, no fireteam searching or anything of that sort. [i]A few of my requests:[/i] 1) PRIVATE MATCHES! Bungie, you stated in a weekly update that if the community wants it to be, there will be a competitive scene. That means e-sports. Which means custom rule sets, and also the ability to play matches against other teams. The fact that private matches don't exist in Destiny is a shame and disappointment, but hopefully Bungie will learn that a healthy competitive scene is a wonderful thing to have on your game, just look at League of Legends, it's giant player-base is almost entirely fans of it's competitive scene. Private matches would be great even if the focus isn't on e-sports. Settling a bet with a friend on who's better, testing weapons to see what you like the best before heading into the crucible, training against people you know are good, etc. It's not even a hard feature to implement! 2) Get rid of the completely random loot-drop system. Seriously. It's the worst loot system in any game I've ever played. You can't have that many random factors to get a single item that probably isn't even worth it. First you have to kill an enemy which has a [b]chance[/b] of dropping an engram, and in multiplayer (no matter how you do, which is stupid) you have a [b]chance[/b] of getting an exotic or engrams. There's a [b]chance[/b] that engram could be green (if dropped by an enemy), blue, or a very rare chance of it being purple. Once you pick it up there's a [b]chance[/b] it will be for one of the 8 item slots you want it for. After that, it's time to head back to the tower, where, let's say you magically found a purple engram, has a tiny [b]chance[/b] of giving you an exotic, and an even smaller [b]chance[/b] of being an exotic you want. Seriously. No. If you wanna do random drops, at least make it somewhat consistent in at least some areas... if Destiny 2 wants to have any chance of being successful, this is one major thing I feel they need to change... 3) More raids! And a party finding system for them too (not matchmaking, but at least something on the website/ app to find people to play with) Although I kind of get the benefits of only having one raid at the start of the game, you can't seriously just give us 3 over a long period of time. Raids are basically what make Destiny worth playing at all, and if we only have 2 extremely repetitive raids available to us right now, and it gets very boring very fast. Now, starting off the game with way more strikes and a few more raids wouldn't hurt anyone at all. Each raid could provide it's own loot and distinct experience so we wouldn't be running the exact same thing time and time again. And lastly.... 4) OPEN WORLD! For Christ's sake you guys were on the borderline of straight up false-advertising. This game was made to seem like an open world game (at least in my eyes). Through gameplay footage, concept art of vast lands and epic environments, and depictions of vastly different enemies, I though that this game would be epic on an open scale. Exploring planets to complete quests received at the tower, discovering special events and huge bosses along the way, CRAFTING YOUR OWN STORY as Bungie likes to say... If Bungie wants to redeem themselves from Destiny, they need to go all out with Destiny 2. No more linear DLC bait story, no more boring copy-paste enemies, no more bland repetitive strikes and raids, no more stupid loot system, just no more. Make the game good. I trust you guys, of all people, know how to actually make a good game. I fully trusted you with Destiny, and I won't make that mistake again, but please, for your own sake, make Destiny 2 the game you guys can hold up high at the end of the day and say "We made it the best we can possibly make it," and be proud of yourselves. Make this the game we all want and desire. Do what Bungie does best: make. good. games. Now it's up to you guys to figure out what YOU want to see. If you disagree with my little ideas, speak up! I don't want to act like I'm the entire community, and I hope that the [u]actual[/u] entire community can have a say in what Destiny as a series will become. ALSO, if a Bungie employee ever finds this thread, PLEASE at least consider everything you see here. Hope you all have a good day, and see you starside! [u][b]TL;DR:[/b][/u] What do you guys want in Destiny 2?



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