I apologize if I'm speaking too quickly during this video. I was trying to fit it all into one game clip. I made this to show that weapons do not deal increased damage if you are a higher level than the enemy, you do no more weapon damage than you would at the same level as the enemy. However, your ability damage is based entirely on your level. In the beginning I am at level 26, the same as the praetorian, and my Timur's Lash (at 283 attack still, I think. I didn't check) did 427 damage to the praetorian's shield. A firebolt grenade at that level did 888 damage. After switching my gear to level 32, the Lash still did 427 to the shield. The firebolt did 1304 damage.
Now, could you please stop demanding that people need to be 32 to do hard VoG? You do the same amount of damage. You also take the same amount of damage, but have slightly higher defense. That defense difference is negligible, however. Maybe one or two more slap rifle shots if you're lucky.
Edit 1: Fixed a typo and added a tag. Yay.
Edit 2: Fixed a typo in edit 1. I'm good at making typos.
This should be well known by now if people still don't know that then you deal with a lot of christmas noobs and they also don't understand burns either apparently.
More people need to see this. Great video
Bump because it should be bumped.
I shall bump myself once more.
I'll bump you. People just don't seem to get this. It's super obnoxious to see someone on LFG whining about needing all lvl 32's with full raid gear, maxed Gally, icebreaker and primary weapon. Ugh. Dummies.
Could I possibly bump my own post? I refuse to let it go unnoticed.