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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da A High Servitor: 3/25/2015 5:44:56 PM

worst. Nightfall. ever.

So, doing my first Nightfall of the week with my Warlock, recruited off of LFG with a nine year old squeaker and a pretty awesome random, and we finished in less than 30 minutes. Awesome, right? So me and the other guy were patient and kind to the other kid, and then rewards roll around. Heres how the rewards stacked up: Guy that was pretty good with 35 kills- gets Voidfang Vestments, he is pretty happy. Me with 54kills- -blam!-ing Ascendent Energy (seriously?) Nine year old with 23 kills- Gjallarhorn Nine year old: "wow thats my fourth Gally, cool." *dismantals* Now mind you, I have been after this SOB forever, and look at what happens. Anyways, do it again with my Titan, hoping for better. Got a Legendary engram that turned into... Wait for it... MOAR ENERGY! They say only real men cry. Hope thats true, because I cried enough to fill the Traveler. Gonna take a break now... *rampage over* EDIT: we are trending! Glad a lot of people agree with me that Destiny's loot system is screwed up.



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  • I soloed it and after about 6 wipes (EF’IN WIZARDS) I got 9 ascendant coins. Rage quit.



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    4 Risposte
    • RNG can def be a bítch. My buddy needed 4 radiant shards to have his first 32 character.. I told him "cool man, we can run the lamps and get the first chest" so first chest -Radiant energy... "No worries bro, we'll run the lamps, you'll get shards and an armor piece to dismantle" we run the lamps.. I get shards and gauntlets, he gets more Radiant energies... "Just switch to your 2nd toon, we'll do it again" 2nd chest -Radiant energies... He starts to get frustrated, so we run the lamps again, he gets Radiant energies again.. "Come on man, you got your last character, there's no way RNG can be that cruel" he switches characters again. First chest... Yep you guessed it -Radiant energies "Dude f*ck this, I don't even wanna run the lamps again" I told him "3rd times a charm, we got this" run the lamps again... He gets gauntlets and shards! Hope it works out for too man



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      5 Risposte
      • Watch this as I share in your misery of a bad nightfall. This happened to me a few Nightfalls ago. Look at the final kill stats..then the rewards...I wasn't happy. [url][/url]



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        3 Risposte
        • I only got my 10th multitool



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        • Welcome to Destiny.



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        • You had 53 kills



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        • It took you over 10 mins? Oo :P easily the fastest nightfall in the world.



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          1 Rispondi
          • Hardest? You need to get out more. Wait until you head after Valus with void burn, you'll love the psions.



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            2 Risposte
            • 104 kills on phogoth strike. I don't think so. But yes, RNG is a bitch sometimes.



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            • Modificato da xBraveSirRobinx: 3/25/2015 4:29:25 PM
              My clanmate, and regular nightfall partner, got energy 3 times for the third week in a row.. Luckily I got awful rewards... Last week he watched me get another suros and break it down instantly, not realising it's the one gun he's never been able to get.



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              2 Risposte
              • I agree. And what's with legendary weapon engrams turning into shards? We complained about energies so they fixed it to give us ascendant shards? Perfect



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              • I got 9 energies and a legendary engram, that turned into a shit RL, that turned into 2 energies. I feel your pain man. However, I cant complain too much - got 4 exotic drops last week. Just gotta roll with the punches.



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              • First run, 9 energies. Second run, 8 energies and a legendary primary engram that turned into energy. I led the kills also. I love this game, makes me shake my head and laugh. I did however get hunger of Crota today. That's destiny for you, throws you a bone occasionally.



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                7 Risposte
                • So youre the reason for those damn puddles all over the place?? Man, if i where the speaker, id put you on broombot duty



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                  1 Rispondi
                  • I got one Legendary weapon for each character I ran. Nothing else and I immediately dissembled them because they were just average weapons compared to my inventory. I did it deathless with my Warlock and Hunter, got Medic medals for reviving the others, and most kills too The last time we ran it, one person got a "Suros Regime" and the other got "No Land Beyond", which they promptly disposed of as they already had it. Other than that, no one got anything worth while. RNGesus really hates my Hunter too. I need Boots or a Helmet for my Hunter to hit Level 32 and have been running Crota on Normal and Hard for weeks now. All I get is Radiant material or the occasional weapon.



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                  • It is not screwed up , what you have described is by definition RNG .



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                    1 Rispondi
                    • How about this... 9 shards Legendary engram (2 shards) Legendary engram (2 shards) So to wrap it up... 13 shards!!!!!!



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                      1 Rispondi
                      • 3 runs - 14 minutes per run. 9 strange coins on first , 11 strage coins on second, No backup plans on thrid ( already had so dismantled)



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                      • Did it with my 30 hunter middle player in kills and got an exotic armor I didn't have, did it with my 31 Titan middle in player kills and got a helm I already had. Latter on, while doing the weeklys, I thought, "why is my damage so crappy, I have maxed out solar weapons"? Whoops, Arc Burn.



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                      • Gally is overrated yea it's good but there's other rockets that will do the job just fine such as hunger of scrotum



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                        7 Risposte
                        • number of kills does not equal better player, many people avoid gun fights and only kill when needed too, they just want to get things over with.



                          Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

                        • I did three in a row: 1. I got 2 shards. The other guys got exotic helmets. 2. I got 2 more shards. The other guys got coins + I think an engram. 3. I got a legendary primary engram, which turned into 2 shards. One other guy got a gally dupe. Then I did crota: Dupe helmet, dupe bone circlet, 3 shards and 6 energy. Do you know why I'm not bitching? Because random number generator means that the game isn't considering anything but a random number. Not my kill count or anything I did in the game whatsoever. F*cktards don't understand this concept. I do.



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                        • i got my 4th gjallahorn from nightfall yesterday too and my friend got his first from normal crota



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                        • The loot system in Destiny is a sick goddamn joke on the world. Seriously, if any thought went into it, you can't see it in how the loot plays out. Either that or; when they were designing the loot system, they thought "hey, how can we minimally award people and piss them off while not really giving anything of use?"... Which is why I stick mainly with Diablo 3. It's loot system is amazing, and actually helps you achieve higher levels for your character.



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                        • I don't believe these posts anymore.



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                          1 Rispondi
                          • Solo'ed mine got the calming (shards)



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