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Modificato da Dan: 4/3/2015 8:09:42 PM

Why Does Our Society Put so Much Weight on Virginity?

I don't quite understand why we even have the concept. There's two completely different sides that are weighted just as heavily as each other. On the one hand, keeping your virginity until marriage is praised. This most likely originated from some religious belief on how you're "pure" for your future spouse. Another added benefit is that you don't end up on MTV's Teen Mom 2. Why we even have two of these is beyond me. It's much different from a social standpoint. If a guy loses his virginity quickly he's seen as "cool". Why is that cool? Somebody explain this to me. I've always [i]tried[/i] to save myself for marriage. Although I failed, I'm not necessarily mad that I did. Discuss. Edit: Tags for my personal archive. Whatever, this thread died anyway.



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  • Because you gotta put weight into it to break the hymen.



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    • I would like to have a woman who has only had my d in her v and a. All others are just spoiled.



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    • It doesn't really matter. Sex feels great but it alone doesn't make you happy, if I could turn back the clock to before I lost my virginity and meet the girl of my dreams on the condition that I'd never sleep with anyone else, I'd do it. Once you get to a certain number you stop caring and realise it can actually make you feel kind of empty inside. Losing virginity shouldn't be valued, finding love should be no homo.



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      • Religious indoctrination left over from what I assume to be a ad hoc system of limiting unplanned pregnancies. Prior to birth control, which is a very recent concept, pregnancies could only be prevented reliably with not having sex. Discouraging intercourse until a pair was more able to provide for any offspring may have been the early method of birth control.



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        3 Risposte
        • Virgins = more $$$$$ when u sell them otherwise insignificant



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          • Modificato da FreeVex2015: 4/1/2015 4:26:03 PM
            A key that opens every lock is awesome A lock that is opened by every key... Well...



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            10 Risposte
            • Here's a good question if you truly love the man or woman you will one day marry then why can't you wait? And better yet how would you justify not waiting to him or her? Sorry I just thought that's what you would do for someone you love I guess you don't understand real love.



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            • Its viewed as more difficult for a man to sleep with a woman than the other way around, partially because women enjoy relationships significantly more than men. Whereas men want mostly just sex. It's a proven fact.



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              7 Risposte
              • Get rid of religion and everything becomes clear. [spoiler]-blam!- the shit outa that pussy[/spoiler]



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              • Modificato da PuppyDuckMSB: 4/2/2015 2:56:10 PM
                If you think about it at a basic historic level, when girls have sex they have babies. At some level guys don't want to provide for another man's babies and they want to know their kids are really theirs. The way we live now makes some of that unimportant and step kids are not unusual now but attitudes don't change super fast. I didn't remain a virgin until marriage (not even close lol) but I respect that lifestyle. I have been through so much dumb drama that wouldn't exist if I chose that path, although I also think it helps in some ways. Like you know when a guy is being weird or when how he acts is normal (or you know that about girls if you are male).



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                • I still have my virginity, and I can care less what other people think of me. If they don't agree with it, that's their problem. It's my choice that I do not want sex before marriage. Am I lame? No. Am I cool? No, and why I want to be "cool"? So I can be like everyone else? Is that it? I rather stay unique and standout amongst others.



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                  4 Risposte
                  • I personally view sex as an expression of love and trust, not merely a recreational activity (i.e. only having sex with someone if you truly care about them instead of trying to bang everything that moves). I'm almost 21 and am still a virgin. I don't care about waiting until marriage, merely until I find the right person. I'm sure that a lot of other guys my age would disagree with me and call me a loser, but I don't give a flying f*ck.



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                    • I see now a days virginity doesn't matter it used to be you were expected to wait till marriage now it's your expected to lose it at 14



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                      2 Risposte
                      • It won't matter when we are in the bed together bby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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                        3 Risposte
                        • 1
                          Religion is a big reason



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                        • Sex is a key bonding experience with the one you love. If you aren't compatible with each other in bed how can you be sure you will be spend the rest of your life with that person? It has its uses just like kissing. Which they now think is used to swap germs with one another to have the most illness resistant kid as possible. Its an interesting thought. I feel sex shouldn't ever be taboo and if you are in the mood then do it.



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                          2 Risposte
                          • Christianity



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                          • You can't make sacrifices to the gods/satan without a virgin



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                            2 Risposte
                            • Virgins are disappointing in bed.



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                            • We put weight in virginity because if you're a fat ass you probably don't get it in with any bitches. Obviously I'm drowning in pussy because I'm skinny.



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                              1 Rispondi
                              • Modificato da savage coco: 4/2/2015 7:20:53 AM
                                It's not society, it's religion. People shouldn't care what others think of them, it only makes you're life harder. If you want to sleep with a bunch of people, then go for it. What I don't like is when people have tons of sex and end up having children with 6 different people and getting stds all over the place. If you can take care of yourself then do what you want. I personally don't enjoy that kind of lifestyle, but don't think I'm better than someone that does.



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                                6 Risposte
                                • It is Human instinct too have sex with eachother and reproduce!



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                                • People in relationships tend to have sex, people who haven't had sex or get little sex are assumed to have little relationship experience, people with little relationship experience generally aren't sought after partners.



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                                  3 Risposte
                                  • Saving yourself till marriage could lead to severe disappointment. You need to experience sex with different people. If you don't and only save yourself for one person you'll be left wondering what it's like to be with another person later down the road. Always practice safe sex though. It helps to explore sex to kill some of the curiosity.



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                                    2 Risposte
                                    • As a guy (who is keeping his virginity until marriage because of religious reasons (and beta status)) I see it as a challenge for many guys because along woth losing their virginity comes pride, bragging rights and of course the actual act of sex itself



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                                      2 Risposte
                                      • Girls are supposed to be virgins until marriage Guys are supposed to have lots of sex Society is telling guys to -blam!- themselves



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