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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Aurik Kal Durin: 2/28/2015 7:51:59 AM

Replayable nodes for "A Guardian Rises" and "Ritual of Sacrifice"...

Yes, make these levels replayable!


Eh, I don't care...


There are two Story missions in the game right now that are not replayable. Remember "Fist of Crota"? That one level you can farm for Blade of Crota kills in The Dark Below DLC? That level used to have the same problem; after playing it the first time, you could never play it on the character again... until Bungie patched it. But there are still 2 non-replayable missions in the game, one of which is also in The Dark Below. The first one is [b]"A Guardian Rises"[/b]; that very first level of the game, where you get the Kvoshtov 7G-02 auto-rifle. I would very much like to see a replayable version of this mission, including the option to play on Hard mode with the Heroic modifier active. For Hard mode, I think they should have a lot more enemies, both in the Wall and the Divide; and a live Devil Walker to replace the wrecked Devil Walker you see on Normal. They could even add a new Vanguard bounty for this mission: [b]Spider Tank, House of Devils[/b] (Vanguard Bounty) [i]-Destroy the Fallen Devil Walker in "A Guardian Rises" with the Heroic modifier active.[/i] The second level is the [b]"Ritual of Sacrifice"[/b] level; which is normally the end of a quest that starts with the Urn of Sacrifice. The end of the level is pretty cool, and gives you several Swords of Crota to play with when you fight the Forsaken. But like the Fist of Crota level used to, it disappears from the map once you beat it. Anyone else think they should add replayable nodes for these levels? Maybe even add them to the rotation for Daily Heroic Story missions? It'd be nice to have something new... [b][u]EDIT[/u]:[/b] Turns out the "Eyes of the Forsaken" level is actually called "Ritual of Sacrifice". Fixed.



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