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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Fareo: 7/1/2015 8:14:38 AM

What do you Control, in Control? (Crucible)

Um? Zones A, B and C? it's called Control, duh.


Zones A and B, or C and B. Only triple cap when your ahead by allot.


I don't capture zones because I forgot to select Clash.


The correct answer is #2. Despite your urge to capture all of the zones, it's a far more effective strategy to control the zones one at a time and then stack them one by one. The game mode is called Control, not Capture. It's not about capturing zones, it's about "controlling" the area around the zones. Why? When you own A and B, the game will always spawn enemy players near C. If you occupy the area near C that the game is trying to spawn the player in, it will find another spot with no players. If everyone pushes into C, the game starts spawning the enemy at A. Then you lose A, which is called spawn flipping. That's bad because you can lose the advantage of certain areas of the map. For instance, on Mercury you want to control the outside and fight with the sun at you back making it harder for the enemy to see you. To do this you have to own A and fight for B. If you push into C once all the visible enemy players are down? They will start to spawn at A and then you lose the advantage of the sun. Not to mention the choke point. If you stay in your area while the enemy spawns, it becomes a lot more predictable. You can often force the other team to play like lemmings and walk right into choke points, giving you the opportunity to take a large lead. I understand that waiting in your zone for the enemy to come back isn't all that fun but, it works if you want to win. Control the map, push the enemy back and win. Please consider this when playing control or Iron Banner. Your random team mates will appreciate it. P.S. Please wait as long as you can you pick up heavy ammo. Some of us are trying to complete that bounty too... Thanks.



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  • Good advice re control not capture. Your points stack the more zones you hold so if u hold 2 you don't even need to kill enemies more than they kill you. The game swings away from you quickly if you overextend and give 2 zones to the enemy. Only excuses for taking heavy ammo when no one is near are A) you've waited ten seconds and your map is clear of friendlies B) you can see the enemy team approaching and you want to deny them the ammo



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