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Discussioni su Destiny.
7/15/2015 3:57:12 PM

Flavor text for exhile set--

-- it talks smack about the speaker, and how he has nothing to say- It'd be kind of neat If the destiny universe was being tricked, i know it's been brought up before. That guardians are actually stealing light from the traveler, our one hope for salvation. Power hungry guardians continue to drain its light until darkness- blah blah. Or if the coins and motes we give xur end up being some kind of trick on behalf of the nine, amassing a fortune to siege the tower- (floating purple ball is totally a nuke) What if come the taken king, the tower is under siege (spawn doors?) and the main enemy we fight there has health proportionate to the number of motes given to xur or the speaker. Any dope ideas? Let's get our hopes up.



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