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Reclutamento clan

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Modificato da xFERGO: 8/24/2015 6:43:19 AM

iApX, The Elites. [Small Clan] [Strict Entry] [Hardcore] [Content Crushing] [XboxOne]

iApX has been founded & seeks other hardcore players to start training now in wait for the new season. [b]Requirements:[/b] - 1.4 kd or higher with your main crucible character, side characters do not matter. - Completion or close to completion of year one content, - You are required to be available for Clan Events & Training. - You are also required to be incredibly skilled & knowledgeable about Destiny. Being accepted to iApX means you will have a dedicated team of Guardians waiting to crush any content at even the hardest difficulties. The clan will be kept at [b]15 ~ 20[/b] players to maintain a strong bond. I've recently moved from PS4 to XB1, the team established on PS4 completed CE 25~30 mins after the world firsts. This time it is ours. Message me directly for an audition.



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