Just saw this.
Not saying it will happen or should happen. But there's always multiple ways to view something. Multiple ways to spin the same story.
Try viewing things from another perspective and don't believe everything the media says.
Judges should've outlawed homosexuality as a whole. This would fix the world.
It sucks homosexuality has ruined the rainbow
I was about to go insane on you. You're seriously lucky!
We should of banned that a long time ago
They are people and have every right to express them selfs in a safe calm manner it's no time to be banning anything on the other hand we should be accepting and embracing each other
[i]so -blam!-ing stupid...[/i] Do people actually believe this??? Comparing hundreds of years of slavery, murder, oppression, segregation, hate... To two murders. Are they saying that those two reporters are equal to every single black killed in the south?
I support gays but I don't think they need their own flag
If gays and straights treated each other equally like they should than this world would be a better place. Maybe not loads better, but better enough that it would save a few lives
Ban... Black.... Man.... 😱
Ban all flags but glorious serbian flags
That's stupid. You can't try to ban something just because one idiot killed two people. Especially when it's gay rights, something that has been a problem for a long time.
Gay black man killed 2 straight white woman reporters. Now it's sexist too
Modificato da Dunbrack Rooney: 8/30/2015 4:09:28 PMThere isn't a history of gay people using that flag as a symbol of oppression, the confederate flag or at least what we consider the confederate flag today, was flown by many Southern states during the 1960s to show that they would fight desegregation. In addition to that the Confederacy fought for only one states right and that was the right to own slaves, read the cornerstone speech before you try to pawn off any bullshit on me.
Modificato da noobynoonoo: 10/24/2015 3:18:41 PMIf the confederate flag is being banned because it's offensive, then they gay pride flag sure as hell should be banned too.
#racism? Don't you mean sexism?
Time for you to drink some cyanide.
Modificato da ReignofSpartain: 10/24/2015 2:40:09 PM1. Being gay has nothing to do with race. Anyone can choose to be gay regardless of color 2. Gay rights supporting states didn't secede to keep their gay privileges and start a war with the other half of America [spoiler]op I hope this was b8[/spoiler]
The confederate flag isn't banned and shouldn't be banned, it just isn't allowed to be flown by government buildings.
No one should ever be able to fly any flag because it'll always conflict with something apparently.
Bit of a stupid argument really because the confederate flag was never banned, nor could they ever possibly pass a law that bans it...
Flag too OP PLZ N3RF
Time for a ban, nobody liked gays anyway.
Gays are always innocent
It's actually satire, people wanted to ban the MIA/POW flag, I think it was because of it "promoting murder" or something to that extent, so when the death of the two reporters happened somebody made a satirical version of the rally to ban the POW flag.