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postato inizialmente in:Moments of triumph help
8/30/2015 7:00:28 AM

Need help with both raids (and PoE)

I need a team to take on both of the hard mode raids, preferably people who know what they are doing (but I mean, with 9 days and less than 18 hours, beggars cannot be choosers). Aside from both of the raids, I need a team for the Prison of Elders. To be more accurate, I need help with all of the fire team only, non-matchmaking ones. I play a level 32 Warlock on PS4, primarily voidwalker, under the name of Moosechaser2. I guess either comment or PM me if you can/will help.



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  • I want to complete moments of triumph, and I still need to complete both raids on hard, if anyone can help me out let me know. I'm very inexperienced with the raids, I've spent most my time in the crucible. Levl 32 titan Ps4



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