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Modificato da Insanity: 10/30/2015 11:59:39 PM

Xbox One Group Finder Kings Fall Raid, Nightfall, and Trials of Osiris

Put in light level and what kind of activity you are doing and have fun!! Don't be shy! I have done it all before from Kings Raid to Flawless on Trials including once already. If you want to add me or play either invite me at Insanity Ghosts. I have a 297 titan and close with others as well. Anyway have fun Guardians!!



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  • Made for the pvp people out in this community. Group will also do weekly activities like raid and nightfall but main focus in trials iron banner and crucible in general. If you would like to join please message me looking for -active players -over the age of 16 -main focus of pvp in destiny -good at pvp and work well with teammates -willing to help other even when all characters are done going flawless for the week Want a helpful supportive pvp group who wish to have fun and win at the same time. I have not seen another group like this so I feel it is unique in that way. Let's get some people up in here and have a good time in this game we all love destiny! The groups name is Never Loosing and it is for XBOX ONE



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  • Looking for 3 for hard fresh must have Tom and be 308+ must have completed normal raid message gt for invite



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