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Modificato da Chicken (Adept): 11/20/2015 1:44:18 PM

The state of destiny

First off, I would like to say that I love destiny. I've played it since launch and while the loot system could use some work, the game is fun, especially when I lay with my friends. However, since the The Taken King came out, the game has been somewhat stale for me. This is due to a few factors, in my opinion. 1- The vendors lack gun variety and the guns lack substance. For example, in The Dark Below, find like the longbow synthesis and TFWPKY were gonna with a cool posting job, cool names, good perks and great weapon models. In The Taken King, weapon models, while new, are very boring. There are two types of omolon scouts. There is the 1000 yard stare's model, which is reused over and over again. Hakke guns all look the same. Where are the weapon models of efrideets spear? The longbow? Timur's lash? Now it's just Hung Jury. The aesthetics of destiny have been watered down with the retiring of these weapon models and guns with interesting names. It's boring! I don't understand why they spent money making these models and then throwing them away. 2- All old content has been made absolutely pointless. While I haven't done the old raids as I couldn't find a team, I played the heck out of POE. Why make these interesting raids useless? I, for one, would love the preadyths revenge I never got to have a year two version. Again, it's bungie throwing away a year's worth of hard work. On behalf of all destiny players, bungie, stop wasting money! We want to see the game succeed. We love to love it. But you're making it difficult for us by removing content. Two raids and POE is better than one raid and court of oryx. Please bring this old, fun content to year 2. It's just a matter of increasing the level and amount of enemies we face. Not so hard for a stellar studio as bungie, in my opinion. 3-The loot table needs some serious work. I have been getting either the smolder, ruin wake, or choleric dragon from every single legendary heavy engram I turn in. I don't even look at the perks before I dismantle them because my Baron's Ambition and harrowed Quillim's terminus are just better. What happened to getting faction weapons from engrams? It would expand the loot table, however little difference it makes. And speaking of faction weapons, where is my FWC sniper, or shotgun? Where is my dead orbit sidearm? For example, the FWC sniper was one of my favorite snipers in the House of Wolves, with its sleek body and good performance. Bring it back! The gunsmith also needs some reviewing. While I have gotten good rolls before, his inventory seems small. I'm sure there are a lot more new weapons than that. The lyudmila has been sold so many times that I have almost given up on arms day. Maybe someone could actually hand pick the guns for arms day, to stop it from getting boring. A fix for all of these problems would be to again, bring back the old weapons. Not bring those already in the hands of guardians up to year two, but implement them in the loot table. Lord Saladin could also sell double the weapons, Timur's lash over Finaala's peril. Easy, right? You have the stats and the guns. Just put them back in the game. I guarantee you'll gain more support from the community. 4- The big one, loot drops. It's no secret that an RNG loot system is tough to program. Borderlands, however, solved this problem by giving players an excess of loot, making them spoilt for choice. It also had a gun store that changed its stock at set intervals. Destiny could implement this sort of system, so that avid supporters of the factions could wake up to something new everyday. Or maybe every reset. On the topic of loot, nightfall rewards. It's just sad, the stuff that can be pulled from the nightfall. People have obviously been pissed off at the rewards, even after the buff to nightfall rewards. This problem could be solved by giving players a guaranteed exotic every time they do the nightfall on their first character, or giving better rewards to people who solo and do it with two people. This might need a bit of tweaking, but the idea is there. Anyways, that's all I can think of right now. Stay strong, guardians.



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