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Discussioni su Destiny.
1/29/2016 9:51:18 PM

Stop being so negative about Destiny.

Ok let me start this off and just say that I like your opinions, but please, if you give me your opinion with a comparison and a reason, it's always more peaceful that way. I understand that Destiny has many flaws, but I feel it deserves more credit. People always say "Oh Destiny sucks". I think hype culture has caused this mainly. But seriously, games like Fallout 4 also has its flaws (no offense) like Destiny. I feel like the Destiny Community would be a whole lot better if we start appreciating Destiny's strengths like the raids and the story. And yes, if you look into the story more (using the online files, and I know I know it's a pain) it has a great story to be told. I'd like to know what your favorite part of Destiny is, so please comment that in the comments. You can also reply how you disagree, and I'll repeat please explain yourself and give a comparison.



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  • Somebody doesnt understand criticism



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  • Modificato da Onyx Guard: 1/30/2016 1:28:05 AM
    Telling someone what they did wrong is how they know what to make better. Granted that though many of voices that speak out do so in anger, and that anger tends to spread, there is a lot to say in terms of what to improve on. This game is in a potentially dangerous position to the video game economy. A lot of money was put into this game, yet there wasn't a lot of content. After the initial boom wore off, this game maintained numbers and grew based on company name, hype, and hope for initial problems to be solved. But the improvements that were hoped and asked for were not delivered, and eventually game content was cut down rather than continuing its cycle of building on itself to maintain relevancy for the game's base product. At the same time, in game currencies and item drops were reworked into a form that has less income for more time spent in game. Old currencies were rendered useless at the same time, and in game transactions saw either price increases or reduced products given at purchase. Micro-transactions were then added to bolster company income without the need to create new, full content add ons. Instead, small events are generated to maintain a player population, and, with one exception, these events reuse existing content rather than introducing new locations or activities. I'm not bringing up the way the company has treated the community, but is this the trend you'd like to see exist in future games? A small stream of content that is slowly cut back to a trickle while asking for more money and rendering an entire year of player progress to mean nothing. Also, telling us where to look for the story is highlighting a major problem: we shouldn't be having to look for the story. We're not asking to be spoon fed, but there needs to be a drive to do what they're wanting us to and connection with these characters and events that we are told are important. If they are important, why would I have to look through notes by a third party that isn't mentioned in the game to get the name of another unmanned third party to look up their notes so that I can interpret their vague writings and speculate the true meaning about basic background information as to why I'm having to shoot a giant robot and why no one at the tower remembers me doing it. You get the idea.



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    • Destiny has strengths? It has one strength, solid gun play. Nothing more, nothing less. Bungie has completely botched every other aspect of this game from story line to gameplay to potential rewards to transparency to organizational direction. People will point out the sales as a reason this game has succeeded. Well the sales numbers are based on Bungie's past and not on the merit of the game itself. TTK had solid sales numbers because again Bungie not the merit of the gameplay...TTK turned out to be a massive step backward from Y1, IMO. I won't be back for a Destiny 2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.



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      1 Rispondi
      • Baaaaaaaaaaa sheep.



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      • Modificato da Atomic: 1/30/2016 12:34:13 AM
        You haven't been with bungie long enough to know the serious flaws of destiny. I used to think like you when I first got the game now I realize just how terrible bungievision is



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      • HAHAHAHAHAHA hate to break it to ya fella , but Destiny does suck. I like how you pluralized Raids as if there are more than 1 endgame raid, there is only 1 viable end game raid. and story, damn ive seen an entire story longer than destiny written on the back of a Cracker Jack Box. I don't know why people still bead this dead horse, there really is no new content that is permanent. but if you like running the same small circles every day more power to you. if you just like playing a bind game for no reason. more power to you. I grew up gaming playing final fantasy 1 for the Nintendo and grew from there. I play for the content, I play for the story, I love a game with a deep and riching story. makes you feel as if you are apart of the game. Playing never winter right now, a true MMO. when I play it I feel as if I am the toon I am controlling. having read the books and knowing the world I am playing in. this game has no backstory, has not implemented story, when playing destiny you just feel like you are controlling a character on a straight and forward path. no real progression. all builds are tiny with no real differential paths. and with such minimal content, with small if little to no exploration you cant really dive into the lore in the game cause its not there as you play it. so in the end destiny is nothing more than a flight simulator that you pull a trigger in. it does not fit in an rpg environment as they said it is.



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        3 Risposte
        • Chin up guardian, they are just frustrated, let them vent...I like this post btw...keep it up...



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        • I gave up on destiny a long time ago, sorry



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        • You're new. play longer or perhaps play all the content at least once before trying to defend this game.



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        • People want to bitch, and will jump when you give them a platform to do it on. Plus people play the game so much they turn bitter about it. Just ignore it and mute the trolls.



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        • Wait did you just call the story a strength??? Hahaha yea no



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        • So is it a weakly updtae?



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        • Why? So they don't fix it? Should we be positive about paying $40 for dark below and house of wolves and not be able to play that content to full potential? We like the game, which is why we expand so much energy complaining, it needs fixing.



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        • Why??? So you will eat a overcook steak and not complain???



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        • I do appreciate what Destiny gets right, but it and Bungie get so many things wrong. I'm also disappointed there's no PvE updates since I don't really care for PvP.



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        • Well, Destiny's content is dry, I don't play missions for fun, and crucible feels like a chore. Raids feel very unrewarding, and it feels like there are 4 strikes, one raid, and a few pvp things.



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        • Destiny was, despite a few flaws, an [i]amazing[/i] game when it launched. Over the last year, Bungie has systematically been ruining everything that made Destiny great in the beginning. The last four months have been an especially trying time for true fans. They lied about SBMM in crucible. They lied about the most recent weapon-tuning update. They lied about 'more content than ever'. We've currently got [i]less[/i] content (relevant content, anyway) than ever. I've been a die-hard fan since day one. I'm rapidly running out of reasons to play.



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        • The story and raid are definitely strong points in the game. However, we have no new story content announced, or even hinted at. That isolates a large portion of the player base. This game is slowly turning to a pvp centered game. It's been on that road for a while, but the dlcs would breathe life into the pve part. A lot of players are getting tired of that, and frankly I don't blame em. Hell I'm right there with em.



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