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Discussioni su Destiny.
2/9/2016 7:52:34 AM


[b]This post is long and detailed. My two solutions are down below. TL;DR Buff Sunbreaker's blast radius and flameseeker.[/b] [b]Please watch this video if you haven't already[/b] I have played on my Titan for [b]37 Days[/b] which is way longer than my other two characters combined. I have played sun breaker from the launch of TTK til today [b]at least twice a day,[/b] and I could tell you from my vast experience that sun breakers are complete shit now. [b]They are really inconsistent and people who play with the sun breaker every day to test it out, like me, can tell you that. The perk flame seeker is complete garbage and does nothing the perk reads out in the description, which is to track the opponents. [/b] The hammers are exponentially harder to hit someone when they are in the air now more than ever. If it is a blinking hunter/warlock or shade step hunter then it is impossible to hit them because hammers don't impact them and when they do land, it does next to no damage. The perk flameseeker doesn't even track enemies even if they are kissing range making a decent perk pre-nerf, now a useless and shitty one that isn't viable no matter what. [b]I don't want my armor back nor do I want cauterize back the way it was, because I do agree it was broken pre-nerf. But what I do want is when I accurately hit someone, I deserve that kill. [/b] [u][b]So my two solutions are as follows: [/b][/u] 1) [b]Buff the hammer's blast radius[/b], maybe not like the one pre-nerf, but definitely, some kind of buff that makes the hammer of sol inconsistent. 2) [b]Buff the flame seeker back to how to was original.[/b] It's wasn't OP or good pre-nerf to begin with so I think this would be fair. This would diversify the subclass for all of you who are wondering who cares about a stupid perk. [b]Hopefully, they also fix the blade dancer's hit registration. I barely play on my hunter and I still think it's stupid for a class such to be not functional in any way from what it was originally intended to be (Which was to 1-hit kill someone, not take a whole super for the other person to be dead). Which is ironically what the Titan's are going through as well with the hammer of sol. Not working as intended. [/b] [u][b]If you agree with this post in any way then please BUMP, Sign, Upvote, or even all of the above. [/b][/u] If you disagree....... well, I already know what you might say according to my previous post and here is my rebuttal, [quote]"Krishna you are wrong, they are still good"[/quote] Chances are you don't play with the titan often or the sun breaker for that matter, because with the experiments I have conducted several times throughout the time period of the nerf and now (Played twice with it every day after the nerf till this very day) I have concluded that hammer's are inconsistent because it impossible to kill a blinking warlock/hunter or shade step hunter. Hell, it's almost impossible to kill them if they jump. [quote]"Krishna, GIT GUD SCRUB"[/quote] I have 1.49 KD in the crucible and I am telling you they are inconsistent. Not only am I an experienced crucible player but an experienced Titan and sun breaker player as well. [quote]"Krishna, HI"[/quote] I don't why I included this one, to be honest. I have a few other counter-arguments to make but I am tired to write any longer than what I have written so I will write them later on. [b]If you still disagree with this (Which I can't understand why at this point. Normally I respect everyone's opinions and beliefs if said in a proper manner convincing me otherwise) use them for 10 games straight for 10 days and then come tell it's consistent. (I will check your KD and see how well you did that past week with your titan if you do, so please try, I dare you). [/b]



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