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Discussioni su Destiny.
Modificato da Joyaboi: 2/9/2016 8:42:55 PM

Stop -blam!-ing Smoking

It pisses me off how every time I do a raid there is that one douche who says, "I gotta smoke" or "Gimme a minute hit the bong" and everyone ends up waiting ten -blam!-ing minutes. Can you not wait 30 to smoke or do whatever the shit you are doing? I can get married and raise a family in the time it takes you to smoke. I just want to get the raid done, not sit around making awkward smalltalk with these people who are going to quit if you don't -blam!-ing come back after a reasonable amount of time. so please for the love of god, wait or actually take as long as you said you would. In fact any break that takes longer than 5 minutes pisses me off. What are you doing? There is no fun in waiting I can tell you that.
#Destiny #smoking



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  • I take bong rips all the time. Takes me 30 seconds, tops. I'll pack it a head of time while waiting in a platforming section, or I had it packed from earlier. It's those cigarettes jamokes who gotta take 5 mins to smoke.



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