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3/2/2016 4:42:23 PM

BROKEN? Light Level Balance?

i'm a 319 warlock. and if i go to the court of oryx all by myself, i do crazy damage! its awesome! i feel like working my way through all those raids and getting this good gear to make me 319 has paid off. it was worth it, good.... right? BUT! when i have people in my fireteam that are under light lvl 300, like 298 and 293 for example- and i try to go to the court of oryx. all my damage gets NERF'd by like over 50%!!! wtf?????? we failed a level 2 stolen rune (bracus horus & and the 3 wizards) i thought it was just because it was bad rng or something.... NO! we summoned a level 1 rune after that and it popped up the 3 wizards again AND WE COULDN'T KILL THEM! my shotgun was doing almost NO damage (320 binary dawn with rangefinder) my primary gun turned into a pea-shooter. and my exotic sword was just a waste of heavy ammo. now to test it i went back to the court all by myself and sure enough, i could do sht tons of damage again... why does my damage get nerf'd when i try to help my friends? wtf bungie? is there a reason? because we did the nightfall and it wasn't like that at all. why can i carry these 290's through the nightfall but the court of oryx turns into hell on earth? doesn't seem fair, or balanced. nor does it even make sense to me. . . i just wanted to say something.... its a dumb mechanic that makes me- NOT want to play with my low level friends. i'm already GOING OUT OF MY WAY TO HELP these people, BUNGIE, why do you have to make it 10x harder on us? just let us help each other, jeeez what a great way to build a player community. . . (he said sarcastically....)



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  • It's not so much a balance, but damage output is scaled with enemies not at your light level. Take a 320 MIDA to a cosmodrome patrol with a 280 one, they'll do the same damage. It's bungies way of making it so high level guardians can't just absolutely tear through everything (although it is easier at higher light)



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