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3/25/2016 2:21:31 AM

My Batman V Superman Review (Spoiler Free)

I just got back from the movie, there will be a tl;dr at the bottom for those too lazy to read most of this. Also, sections in spoiler boxes will contain spoilers, so don't open those if you have not seen the movie yet and intend to. [u][b]THE CHARACTERS[/b][/u] Okay, so the original way DC intended the movie to be is having both Batman and Superman to have their benefits and flaws, in order to have you choose sides. They do this [i]horribly[/i]. Superman is overconfident and sees himself as "true justice", while batman is envious about superman's power and sees himself as "true justice" as well. [spoiler]Batman also holds a grudge against Superman for wrecking his tower, causing his friend to lose his legs from falling rubble, and killing thousands. All of this happened in the crossfire of his battle in the krytonian attack on Earth in the most recent superman movie.[/spoiler] The movie actually circulates largely around superman as a main character. Batman is depicted mostly as an insecure criminal who sees himself above the law, while he constantly accuses Superman seeing himself "above the law" as well. This is one of my [u][b]3 main contradictions[/b][/u] about the movie. Superman is also shown to be largely sensetive as to what others think of him, especially when he meets Bruce Wayne (This is shown in the movie trailer) and gets insulted by him. Others insult Superman, and he is shown to have emotional struggles over this. The way they depict both Batman and Superman, ultimately, is sloppy. [spoiler]This also all becomes irrelevant by the end of the movie when they work together, and conveniently forget all past grudges against each other.[/spoiler] Lex Luther's character is [i]extremely annoying[/i] (He may have been meant to be depicted this way, but they do it to the point where the movie becomes annoying). They constantly have him make cheesy jokes, quote random philosophers (This was interesting, but ultimately used wrong), and do [i]stupid things[/i]. [spoiler]Lex Luther ended up being the main antagonist in the movie, as he captures Superman's "Mother" and forces him to kill Batman to rescue her. Oh, and it turns out that Superman's and Batman's mothers both have the same name, "Martha". This was meant to give some meaning, but it was lost on me.[/spoiler] [b][u]THE PLOT[/u][/b] This movie had truly amazing potential for great plot, but it was ultimately wasted by the ending. Major spoilers ahead, read at your own risk. [spoiler]If you opened this spoiler box, then read the paragraph outside if the spoiler below before reading this. A major event in the movie is a court session in the White house on Superman. It ends quickly, when Lex Luther rigs a glass jar to explode (Titled "GRANDMA'S PEACH JUICE"), killing everyone there except Superman. This makes everyone in the country effectively accuse him of killing everyone there, since there were no survivors left expect him. There is one more section to the movie in addition to the other two (Buildup & Batman V Superman), the Doomsday fight & aftermath. Doomsday's battle seemed pointless, since the movie had already been drawn out for too long (two hours into the movie is when Doomsday was first introduced). The battle was good, but didn't measure up to the Batman V Superman fight. In this fight- Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman (& Superman's girlfriend?) team up to defeat Doomsday. This had the best action, but almost no buildup so the battle was actually really boring. I found myself thinking "[i]When is this going to end?" [/i]several times. When it did… I was heavily disappointed. [i]Superman "dies"[/i], or at least not really. He is given a massive funeral at the end of the movie- but this makes no sense since he was technically accused of [i]killing everyone in the white house[/i]. His funeral is actually held by the [u]US ARMY[/u], with cannons and american flags. This is my ultimate contradiction of the movie.[/spoiler] What can be told about the plot, however, is that there are two main sections of the movie. The buildup and the Batman V Superman battle. The buildup is [i]extremely slow and lackluster[/i], and is the movie's [b][u]#1 flaw[/u][/b]. It has many unnecessary events, such as: Terrorists, Batman's childhood, and Bruce's nightmares. The fight is the best part of the movie, but it is only because of the "necessary events" leading up to it. TL;DR - The movie was too slow in its beginning, and almost all of the characters are annoying. I would reccomend to see it if you have extra cash in your pocket with nowhere else to spend it. I rate it a [b][u]2.5/5[/u][/b]. [spoiler]Oh, and "No one" wins the Batman V Superman fight.[/spoiler] If you want to talk about the movie, put spoilers in spoiler boxes. Some people may still want to see it.



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  • Modificato da Yakson5: 3/28/2016 8:06:35 PM
    I loved this movie Also, it was the wheelchair that blew up, not the jar. And they didn't blame superman, they knew that he could have prevented it, but he didn't



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