And I'm going to put it on. I will then win everything. I will be a god in crucible because the armor is so good. I will be miles beyond all the scrubs because I [b][i][u]PAID TO WIN[/u][/i][/b]. So I hope everyone's ready, because salt [u][i]will flow[/i][/u].
I just wanted to say, I hate b8 posts, but I love you.
If you have to put in a satire tag, then it's not satire.
Lol. [spoiler]nice b8. Be careful though cause some people actually believe that.[/spoiler]
Be ready for hate mail
Considering that there's the #satire you know it's not "pay-to-win", right ?
I've been saving my tax return for this instead of doing house repairs. Can't wait to be so OP. Guaranteed 45.0 pvp k/d confirmed
Shut up you spoilt brat, and you see that face of yours, will you please take it for a S H I T
Same here I have tons of entertainment $$$. I can't wait.
Me too! From what most of the cry babies are saying, you get free 9-0 passages from purchasing 3 light armor from eververse! BEST DEAL EVER!!!
Modificato da Super Chief: 4/1/2016 7:01:45 PMLove this post [spoiler]I'm gonna buy the best armor and Shit on everyone in crucible[/spoiler]
Yep I will also pay for all the new end game gear and win the game of having the best gear Loadout on Day 1
Haha brilliant mate!
Have fun with 3 defense mate.
Perfect poll I r8 8/8 m8 Gr8 b8 4 all th3s3 s0rry m8s
lmaoooo fashion souls
You know who would do something like that? A synth.
Love that last tag... i got like 4 kills with one yesterday. They op.
Fashion souls... My man!
I'm pretty sure it's random perks and starts as light 3, so if you want to spend money on that go ahead.
You show them bro!!!
It's not pay to win it's pay to get ahead
Oh man, I can't wait either - my K/D will finally be respectable!!! #Pay2NovaBomb
Me and my friends are really bad at pvp, now with the new pay 2 win we can finally stomp and see the lighthouse on patch day
How can you idiots not see this is Pay to win? That chrome shit? That clearly gives the player an advantage over the other. It glows so it's obvious it's purpose is to blind the enemy that sees the light from the chrome, thus rendering them blind and the player an advantage to get an easy kill. I can see it now; countless nerf posts requesting the brightness on the chrome to be turned down.
Waiting for 4/12 when people buy this armor thinking its p2w and still suck