On occasion I find myself getting wrapped up in the miniscule mundane goings on of day to day life or feel myself become jaded to the world around me, or perhaps simply just notice I'm too narrow in my perspective of the world. So I'll use the thoughts of minds far greater than my own to help myself refocus, or regain perspective of the larger picture, a picture where myself and my problems are insignificant and unimportant in comparison.
These are more of things that I have already read. Religion and Sorcery in Ancient Scandinavia. By Varg Vikernes. The Art Of War. Other Losses. By James Bacque.
Anne Frank's diary always gets me in the mood of that's what you're asking. Other than that, I just read [i]Night[/i]. It was brutal. Not as brutal as I was hoping for, but nevertheless, brutal.
There's that song by Rick asctly(how ever you spell his name) it's a really good song I sent the link to all my friends
The movie this is from is called The Great Dictator. I still haven't watched it.
Read Dan Brown
Terrorist videos
Just what I needed. Thanks dude
Mein Kampf
Modificato da Reggie_Wok: 4/24/2016 4:48:15 PMThis video reminds me a lot of the one you posted. It is honestly one of the most amazing and humbling videos I've found on YouTube. https://youtu.be/9D05ej8u-gU
Modificato da Woupsea: 4/25/2016 4:27:11 AMNothing, I'm pretty in touch with how powerless and devoid of meaning that my life is. Sometimes I look at my ps4 and big tv just to sit there and think about how -blam!-ing lucky I am to have been born into a family that can afford to keep me in an air conditioned house with Internet and running water (most of the time) though. Like how unimaginably fortunate it is that I was born in the time period that I was with the advantages that I have. All of us on here should be grateful for the technology and amazing circumstances that brought us into our current state of being. No matter how bad your life might be just remember that right down the block from you there's a guy who's got it ten times worse.
Thought it said "Reagan" perspective
I read Micheal Crichton books.
Look at all of these people trying to indirectly and subversively trick us into thinking they're smart [i]Wowe[/i]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9KCLpdlFIg this video
I just listen to music.
Truthfully, traveling through the powerful and obscure galaxy of Elite: Dangerous keeps me pretty grounded- despite all the lasers and politics, that game is a really good "woah." game.
Whale videos to make me feel small and humble.
Into the eild was pretty good, i might become a homeless person.
Vsauce and Bob Ross. Both give me some perspective on the world and help me chill out.
Modificato da Cultmeister: 4/24/2016 2:34:45 PMI listen to Alan Watts lectures. They ground me.
Modificato da CliffyWeevil29: 4/24/2016 5:49:10 AMI usually listen to music or watch cringe videos. [spoiler]Usually radical Feminist or Religious cringe videos.[/spoiler]
Just jack off. Bam. Reset.
The Bible
This particular video is always something I've looked to. For the context, Oppenheimer was the intellectual director of The Manhattan Project, which was the federally sponsored project researching nuclear physics that created the first nuclear bomb ever detonated, Trinity, and the two dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. When asked what was going through his mind when Trinity was tested, this was his answer. An extremely humbling moment of scientific advancement. The moment when we realize we have effectively drawn the card, the card which can eradicate humanity, out of the deck. Also, another member of the Manhattan Project, and a Nobel Laureate, Richard Feynman is someone I love to listen to/read from. "You gotta stop and think about it, to really get the complexity, the inconceivable nature of nature." Inspiration to be better and learn more. If anyone is interested in physics, or is taking classes currently and may be finding it a tad difficult, I implore you to read The Feynman Lectures (available for free thanks to Caltech: [url=http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/]Here's a link[/url]), he is excellent at breaking apart complex ideas for the common man.
So what your saying is that you'd rather have others tell you what to think instead of finding your own way and your own perspective in life. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Life is about finding yourself on your own. If you think that these people that tell you what to think have your best interests at heart you're mistaken. You have to find your way on your own. It's ok to have people help you along the way, but you have to find your own way. You have to do the thinking yourself. You have to challenge different ideas to find the truth. You find your own way of thinking no matter what it may be. Don't let others do it for you because they will screw you over. The world is a cruel place.