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Discussioni su Destiny.
7/22/2016 11:10:03 PM

Time to kill is slow

Recently I have been playing alot of Black Ops 3 (mainly zombies but some multiplayer when I need a break) and the time to kill in Bo3 multiplayer is a whole lot faster than Destiny. I hopped back on Destiny last night to play a bit of Iron Banner and...needless to say lag and tryhard fireteams were everywhere, but what I really noticed was that...the games felt so slow, the sensitivity, the time to kill, even sprinting, just felt so slow... I don't want Destiny to be like CoD where 2 shots you're dead from an auto rifle, but all weapons need a buff to their kill time, it seems so slow compared to other shooters like Overwatch and Bo3...(Overwatch has different health pools so TTK depends) but compared to year 1...year 2 and 3 seem like itll all be slow, watching year 1 montages...its so fast... All I'm saying is TTK needs a some sorta buff...



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  • No! NO!! [b][i][u]NOOO!!!![/u][/i][/b] The TTK in destiny is fine! Gunskill is rewarded [spoiler]somewhat. More so then in CoD[/spoiler] The last thing we need is another game that believes it must lower the skill gap to moronic levels so that it can appease the mass of 12 year olds



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    3 Risposte
    • No, it doesn't. That's one of the big things that I enjoy with PvP in Destiny. Compared to CoD, Destiny rewards well placed shots and skilled gunfights (to an extent). The lower TTK compared to other shooters allows for players to shift an engagement even if they don't get the first shot. The one thing with CoD that I really don't like is that a lot of engagements rely on who got the first shot. There isn't a ton of room to change the outcome of an engagement once shots are hit. [quote]Wow, Ethan! Great memes! Keep it up! Proud of you! [/quote]



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      3 Risposte
      • I agree with you. Destiny is a cover based shooter with a lot of mobility. Special weapons are dominating right now because primary weapons take forever to kill anyone. People get way too long to escape from primary weapons. The long kill times also make it difficult to punish a sniper that misses their shot and gives shotgun rushers forever to close the gap. Primary weapons don't kill fast enough for the type of game destiny is. Slow kill times don't work in this game like they do in Overwatch or DOOM. DOOM has long kill times because the point isn't to be able to escape every engagement that isn't going your way. I also agree that we don't need CoD ttk though. Primary weapons just need a little buff to be better able to challenge special weapons.



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        6 Risposte
        • Stick to CoD. This goes for everyone expecting a competitive shooter out of Destiny.



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        • I'd rather have gun fights. Feels fine to me. COD sucks now because TTK is way too fast.



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        • I don't want this game to be like other games, I already have the other games if I want, everything doesn't have to play the same. Insta kill twitch style gaming? Great, go play that game, slower paced game? Great go play that too....



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        • I tend to agree. The effectiveness of shotguns and fusion rifles needs to be increased as well to compensate. It doesn't need a massive drop but all headshots should in my opinion drop an enemy player in about 0.7 of a second instead of the 0.9 nearly everything is at just now.



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