My April update wishlist:
By Dank_In_tha_Bank
At least a few new exotic weapons 🤔
The return of skolas
Classic light option for old raids (old hardmode light recommendation) drops year 1 or 2 leveled gear
Old raids to be brought up with light levels that match year 3's light level cap, including an easy mode and hard mode (with year 3 light drops)
Challenge modes for VoG and Crotas End
Add ghost shell and a side arm to VoG and Crota's End
Kings Fall needs a side side arm and sparrow
Fix all the cheeses present in old raids to make them as they were suppose to be played
Bring back old raid exotics via quest or drops
Release on the 20th and make max light 420 and I'm sold
Modificato da SolarCerberuS: 11/4/2016 12:02:53 AMI imagine If they do bring old raids/prison forward it would be a Siva infected version of Skolas, and Taken versions of VoG and Crotas End.
I deserve a raid!
I deserve a raid!
Another one who HAS to tell people he played Beta. Yawn
No Nexus dafaq?
I'm good with this as long as they take they elements off the primaries.
No. Bungie shouldn't waste another dime or another minute on this game. All of their resources should be focused on making D2 great. Go play some other game If you're bored with this one.
This would be nice, but I don't want to have to wait until April for this.
You can't bring back skolas. He's super dead
Modificato da WONT GET THIN: 11/1/2016 6:42:48 PMVoG had the original challenge mode: Kill templar without a teleport.
No. You have to unlock everything with silver, then you can play
Or they could always try & shoehorn in a coherent story!
There's only two last things left for Destiny 1. Raid Challenge Mode SRL (aka cash grab)
Or wipe & start again!
Modificato da DioViginTillion: 10/31/2016 3:55:14 PMTrue Challenge: Play Crota's End without cheesing any encounter. Solo Challenge: Play Crota's end alone. Also solar burn.
Siva skolas would be awesome
Taken Splicers ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
Plz don't fix the bridge jump in CE so I can still 2 man it.
Yeah and add ornaments for old raid gear too
It is extremely unlikely that there will be any revision of that old content. Instead, over the next two months Bungie will plan how to expand the current ROI content with more quests. Then they will implement and test during the first quarter of 2017.
Whats gonna happen is this: VoG is going to come back. There will be a short questline involving the stranger who will tell us things that somehow make the content relevant again. And if there isn't another update after that, they will somehow try to use the update to conclude destiny 1.