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Modificato da A Tigerstorm: 11/8/2016 2:47:37 PM

My ideas for a Patch notes list

I'm making this all from scratch to try and fit with the most recent patch. Now most of the numbers for these ideas are pvp oriented just to save some math and time. I doubt they'll be used though Let's begin shall we? [b]Titans[/b] -Momentum from Titan skating is reduced slightly Sunbreaker -Explosive pyre activates on all abilities but damage is scaled of explosion to the damage of that ability. -Thermite grenades damage buffed (42 body damage to 58 per pulse) -thermite grenade kills will trigger sunspots when fire keeper is active Striker -Flash bang arming sequence time decreased by 0.7 seconds (I hope that's enough time) Defender -Force barrier displays a timer to see how long you have -Ward of dawn will give you a timer to show how long you have left (but the bubble still recharges) -Armor of light will recharge in your bubble after losing some shield health after 3 seconds -Iron harvest works 50% of the time. [i]Hunters[/i] -Base movement increased by 10% Gunslinger -Throwing knife counts as solar kills and abilities -Swarm grenades damage increased by 20% Bladedancer -Showstopper now acts like Dark Drinker. It will keep some forward movement while doing damage -Flux grenade does 7 rapid ticks of 5 damage (all occurs in the arming sequence) plus the initial explosion -Fleet footed grants full agility when you have full agility buffs on. -Shadowjack will completely remove you from the radar when cloaked Nightstalker -Vanish in smoke gains 4 more seconds when lockdown is active -Quiver grants increased agility after a successful kill [u]Warlocks[/u] -Glide will take you upwards instead of downwards in certain situations Voidwalker -Switched the benefits of angry magic and annihilate with each other. Sunsinger (let's be honest they need this) -Song of flame's radius is increased to 20 meters and allies cooldowns are decreased even more -Radiant skin will grant allies 10% more armor. 5% for you -1 stack of Viking funeral does 15% more damage to the target 2 stacks will do 25% more damage to the target 3 stacks will do 35% more damage -Sunburst occurs 60% of the time -Angel of light lasts for 5 seconds Stormcaller -Rising storm now affects your super charge only, and takes off 15 seconds with each successful kill [b][i][u]Weapons[/u][/i][/b] Auto rifles -Low rof autos damage increased (26 to 28) -low rof autos (not including exotics) will receive a magazine buff (3 or so more shots?) -Damage drop off for low rof is decreased -Medium rate of fire autos will receive a 2% buff -All autos receive a 7% buff to pve damage Pulse rifles -highest rof damage decreased (23 to 20) -Highest impact pulse rifles will receive a 6% damage buff -All pulse rifles will receive a 7% buff to pve damage -Damage dropoff increase for hawksaw and grasp of Malok by 8% Scouts -Pve damage buff by 4% Hand cannons -Accuracy while aiming down sights increased by 5% -bloom effect will come into play of the target is outside 5 to 20 meters depending on your range Sidearms -Added full auto as a available perk Shotguns -Pve damage for shotguns increased by 10% -Pve ammo reserves increased Snipers -low impact snipers gain a magazine increase -Pve ammo reserves increased Fusions -Pve ammo reserves boosted -pve damage boost by 7% -Blast pattern for fusion rifles will always be in a circular pattern depending on stability (high means tight circle, low means the generic blast pattern now) -all bolts in the shot will be fired all at once Swords -Increased damage by 8% Machine guns -Pve damage increased by 15% for all types [b][i]Exotics [/i][/b] Khvostov -Modern scope grants bonus reload and highlights enemy targets Suros regime -added a white ornament to it. (Come on people! Nostalgia? Just me? Okay...) Zhalo Supercell -Stability increased slightly -Chain lightning occurs when two or more targets within 4 meters of each other The last word -Accuracy from the hip is increased Thorn -Mark of the devourer damage is increased by 15% in pve for each stack -Stability slightly increased Outbreak prime -Range boost -Nanites will do 14% more damage to all sources The chaperone -reload increased -precision damage increased (by 3%) Lord of Wolves -Devils touch perk grants +4 recovery at 10 meters Fourth Horsemen -return to sender replaced with performance bonus Telestlo -Ammo reserves boosted Sleeper Simulant -Hip fire replaced with spray and play -Shots that hit enemies will have a chance to ricochet to other enemies Pocket infinity -Brought to year three Hereafter -Range increased -Smoke from headshot kills will last 3 seconds longer Bolt Caster -Projectile speed is increased Young wolfs howl -Heavy attack uses 5 energy (was 10) -Damage over time bonus lasts for ten seconds -Heavy attack does more damage Dragons breath -Blast radius increased -Area of burn damage is increased General -Radiant treasures can now be acquired from weekly crucible activities once -All vendor weapon rolls will reset every week -Taken captains and psions will spam their abilities less -Buying heavy ammo from Xur is immediate Alright that's all I have so far. If you want to leave a suggestion for me to change something don't hesitate.



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