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1/16/2017 2:50:00 PM

Unable to have 2 xbox ones join the same fireteam - COMCAST ISP ARRIS TG Gateway

Good Morning - i have spent all weekend trying to trouble shoot this - even with the ISP on the phone (so glad i get someone in the pacific who cant understand me ... - sorry) I recently converted my wife from PS4 - to Xbox. We cannot join each others fireteam - it appears to be a common issue. Im really hoping someone on here sees this that has experienced this and can help me as i just want to game with my wife. Couple things to denote. Both xboxs are in the powersave mode. I have tried (and at current my gateway is in UPNP mode with port forwarding and triggering off) I dont know if the UPNP is actually working -- as i know that bungie says i need to have this with the two consoles on the same network. im willing to reset everything and start from scratch.... Im not 100% sure about the port forwarding and triggering -- should this be done? would putting them both or one of them in the DMZ do anything? im extremly frustrated -- thanks in advance. here are a couple things have tried. 1 wired - 1 wireless two separate routers 2 different frequencies. ARGH!!



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  • So this is a work around that seems to work 100% of the time. Trust me when I say I have tried EVERYTHING else! 1. Both players load the game and go to the tower. 2. Both player at the same time press the XBOX button and quit the game. 3. Both players at the same time start destiny again and this should generate a 'WEASEL' error. This should usually happen to both players. 4. Close the error and continue to selecting your characters. 5. You should now be able to join the same fireteam team. I know it's a ball ache it this does genuinely work. You can even leave the fireteam after and you will have no issues rejoining. This is a fix for as long as you are online but the next time you play you will have to do this again. Just goes to show that this is truly a bungie issue as to get this to work no changes to any network settings need to happen. Hope this helps



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