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Modificato da BNGHelp5: 12/10/2016 12:01:55 AM

[BUNGIE] UPDATED 11/17: Marionberry, Canary, and Local Network Fireteam Issues

[quote][b]Update 11/17[/b] Since the release of Destiny Update, we have been investigating an issue where players on Local Networks are unable to form a Fireteam within Destiny. We have made some progress in identifying the root cause, and are continuing to investigate ways in which we may resolve this issue. We wish to ensure Destiny remains stable for all players. One change may resolve the issue at hand, while creating more issues that impact a greater number of players in alternate ways. As such, we must approach any proposed networking changes with caution and vigorous testing. For players impacted by this issue, please ensure that UPnP is enabled, if possible. Not only do UPnP settings create a better Destiny experience when playing online, this also makes it possible for multiple consoles on a Local Network to form Fireteams. Additionally, manual port forwarding on your network may negatively impact your ability to connect to other players in Destiny. For additional information concerning UPnP, please see our Network Troubleshooting Guide. [/quote] [b]Previous Updates[/b] [spoiler] [quote][b]Update 9/15:[/b] From [url=]This Week at Bungie - 09/15/16[/url] [b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/b][/u] Since the release of Destiny Update, we have been investigating an issue where some players are unable to join Local Network Fireteams. Through our investigation, we have identified some of the causes for this issue. Destiny Update 2.4.0 addressed one of these, and we are continuing to investigate other potential causes.[/quote] [quote][b]Update 9/9:[/b] From [url=]This Week At Bungie - 09/08/2016[/url] [b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/u][/b] [url=]Destiny Update 2.4.0[/url] contains a potential fix for an issue where players were unable to join Fireteams with other players on Local Networks. If you continue to experience this issue, or encounter any other issues after accepting the update, please let us know by posting a thread in the [url=]#Help[/url] forum or visiting our pinned 2.4.0 Known Issues Thread.[/quote] [quote][b]Update 9/1:[/b] From [url=]This Week At Bungie - 09/01/2016[/url] [b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/u][/b] Over the last few weeks, we have been actively investigating an issue which is prohibiting players on Local Networks from forming a Fireteam. We have identified the issue, and are investigating a potential resolution. [/quote] Hello all, With update an issue was introduced where players experiencing connection issues were not receiving proper Error Codes when attempting to log in to Destiny. After successfully logging in, players experiencing this issue were not able to launch activities or performing other in-game tasks. On Aug. 9th, 2016, we have reverted back to the previous behavior which allows these players to see these error messages again. If you are met with Marionberry or Canary error messages consistently when attempting to log in, please refer to our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for proper network settings. If you continue to experience these issues, you may need to contact your ISP for further assistance. Investigations concerning Local Network Fireteam Join Issues are ongoing. As a first troubleshooting step, we recommend that all impacted players ensure that proper connections are allowed for Destiny Gameplay. Please see the [url=]Allowing Destiny’s Connections[/url] page of our Network Troubleshooting Guide for a list of Ports that should be allowed, unblocked, or forwarded. [b]NOTE:[/b] We highly recommend disabling any network restrictions going to your Console, as this may cause additional issues when attempting to play Destiny. Additionally, players should clear the cache of both consoles on a local network, and attempt to form a Fireteam once more. [quote][b]If this issue continues to impact you and your desired Fireteam members, please post a report below.[/b] When filing a report, please provide the following information: • Have you [url=]cleared cache[/url] of all consoles on your local network? • Have you followed appropriate steps in the “[url=]Allowing Destiny’s Connections[/url]” section of the Network Troubleshooting Guide? • Are you experiencing any specific error codes when attempting to join Fireteams, or are you only witnessing “Unable to join. You were unable to join the Fireteam.” messaging? • Please list the PlayStation Network ID’s or Xbox Live Gamertags of all impacted accounts. [/quote] [/spoiler]



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  • Bungie - Please can we have a fresh update on this. The statement above has been played back for several months now. If you would simply tell us where you've got to with your fix/testing, what you're doing next (and when) and give us a date for your next communication on the subject then it would go some way to relieving the angst/frustration/RAGE!!! that myself and lots of other guardians/customers) are feeling. I'm on the verge of shelling out £150 on a new router solely to try and fix a problem that, for all I know, you will resolve with a software update in a couple of weeks (and yes I have followed all other advice). I can feel a RANT coming on so I'll stop now. Just please show a little empathy. Please.



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