Hope you like it.
The past (almost) 3 years have been a blast, and I'm looking forward to continuing my journy with you guys. Cheers!
Modificato da FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 9/29/2018 4:41:59 PMDestiny 2 year 1 was not good as it was expected to be. So many issues, and so many things cut from the game.
>expected nerf advertisement >dissapointed
Clicked it expecting a troll vid and was pleasantly surprised. Very nice video. Horrible version of a good song. If not liking a song makes me a sheep: Baaaaaaaaaa!
Modificato da kellen100: 3/27/2017 9:15:06 AMI don't get the hate for the song choice. It was a mellow, low pitch, down tempo song perfectly fitting for a nostalgic run through of events. It gives that end credits, long run coming to a close, sense of closure. Great song choice in my opinion. Don't listen to the sheep because they can't handle hearing something that hasn't been pushed down our throats by pop culture their entire lives. [spoiler]I'm a big EDM and Indie fan so my tastes get shit on a lot. Pardon my bias ;)[/spoiler]
Poor old prodigy
Modificato da Nebulrike: 3/26/2017 3:33:30 PMGreat vid, horrible song
Nice job! I would give constructive criticism but I have shit editing.
So you basically just added a bunch of animated clips from dlcs or vanilla destiny and added crappy music. No creativity plus editing skills are those of an amateur with just clipping clips that are not even yours. 0/10 garbage video and a huge waste of time. Your better of just posting links of the real clips bungle posted. Atleast we wont have to listen to that garbage you call music.
Modificato da legi0n47x: 3/26/2017 3:18:33 PMI thought the video was great! Music for well. Screw the haters.
Modificato da Nimue: 3/26/2017 12:19:58 PMCool vid. Dont care for the music tho Edit: But some people need to calm the -blam!- down. Wasnt a bad video and at least the song synced with the video. I cant do something like this and half, if not all, the people taking shit cant do it either. So instead of taking shit to this guy, talk shit to me. I could use a good laugh tbh
Yo screw that other guy talking bad about the song. I though it fit well
Awesome work! Bungie should use it for Age of Triumph. Definitely MoTW candidate!
Modificato da BC1 Edge: 3/26/2017 7:13:57 AMSong is terrible, couldn't watch the clip because of it. I was hoping watching the vid would bring back memories, like when someone posts things they remember from year 1. This video didn't do that, it was boring.
Thought the song fit the video great, Nice job.
Terrible. Cringed so much.
Song did not fit the video at all, terrible.
Heres another one
My YouTube is SweatyPalmTryHard i posted a destiny rise of iron Funny moments video on my channel trust me it's a solid 10/10 on the scale of AWESOMENESS..... 10 being the worst lol jk. My psn is Venomous_Viper96 feel free to send a addy, always down to play. (My YouTube has as of today 10,000+views https://youtu.be/N_I0vZufHVc
Video=great Song=crap
Great editing, not great music. Just my opinion. [spoiler]been play just cause 3 to much lol[/spoiler] #Tamponmasterrace
If this was nintendo's game copy right claims would be all up your ass right now lol.
Loved the video hated the song though, personal preference I guess. Good work though 🖒
very nice!!!!
this deserves motw