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7/27/2017 2:31:42 PM

Protectors of Light Ch. 15: Accepting Defeat

Angel sat on the couch while Logan sat on the chair adjacent from it. Both were being tended to by their ghosts, but Alice was actually being helpful while Merlin was chanting spells to increase Logan's combat rating. Alice replenished the blood in Angel's body, then healed up the wounds and fractured bones. Merlin, finally coming to his senses, began to do the same for Logan. All in all, it was a very quiet few minutes. "Where's t'e john in here?!" Cried a voice in the distance. "Down the hall, third door on the right..." Logan replied. "Oh... Much appreci-ated!" The warlock glanced over to Angel, who was blankly staring at her broken helmet sitting on the coffee table. He hopped over to the couch, then wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her arm. Angel leaned her head onto Logan's shoulder and clenched her eyes shut. "What were we thinking?..." she asked. Logan brushed the titaness' caramel hair from her face. "We tried. We may have lost, but we tried..." "Logan, he could've killed us!... He almost killed you!" Angel screamed before crying. "That may be true, but do you know who he didn't kill?..." Logan asked while wiping the tears from her face. "Who?..." Angel asked reluctantly. "The woman you saved..." Logan replied. Angel looked up and thought, but laid her head back down anyways. "You saved her... You, uh, tried to make a ward--and it worked! Kinda--to stop the bullets..." Logan turned to Alice. [i]"Help me..."[/i] he lipped. The ghost flew to the rescue. "Angel, you took it upon yourself to do what no one else did. You stood up against something that most would run from..." "Yeah! You're one of the bravest people I've ever met!" Logan added. Alice scorned him. [i]"Sorry,"[/i] Logan lipped again before kissing Angel's head. The ghost turned back to the woman. "As I was saying... Yes, you may have met your match, but that's life..." Angel looked up at her ghost. "You can't expect to be perfect right off the bat; but now that you know the competition, you can get better," A new spark filled Angel's eyes. She didn't speak, but the gears of her mind were turning. Her gaze darted from Alice, to Logan, back to Alice, then deep into the Void. Her eyes turned a deep purple, almost black, from her very thoughts. Finally, she got up and walked away. "I'm sorry, I just need... some time to myself..." Logan watched Angel walk down the hall then turned to Alice, but the ghost just shrugged, "I'd give her some time..." A few minutes later, Logan walked into the arena in the back of the warehouse. "Angel, is everything okay?" He asked. "Watch your step..." a weak voice said blandly. "Why?..." Next thing, Logan was sliding across the floor on his back. "Ice buildup..." Angel continued. Logan got back to his feet, and tried not to fall again. He walked over and sat against the wall, beside Angel. "What have you been doin'?" "Logan, remember when Alice said I had an exceptional amount of Void Light?... Well... Then, why can't I make a ward?! What if the next time I need to, I fail, and then the next person dead is because of me?!" Angel burried her face in her arms. Logan looked around the room thinking, even Alice and Merlin were at a loss. Logan took the titaness' hand and pulled her up. "Well, then we need to find a way for you to make a ward," the warlock turned to his ghost. "Merlin, pull up your list of the mystic arts. I think we're gonna need it!" Merlin squealed, to Alice's displeasure. "I told you we'd need those someday!" "That, you did," Logan replied. "Wait... 'Mystic arts'?" Angel's ghost asked. "It's what he calls Void Light, since Void is 'space magic'," the warlock replied. Alice chuckled, then watched the overly excited ghost. "Logan, what are we doing?" Angel asked as she followed the man to the center of the arena. Logan faced his girlfriend and held her arms (mainly to keep her from punching him). "As we've seen, you suck at making wards..." Angel's jaw dropped. "But Light is malleable. It is limited by only your creativity! So, you're gonna make a shield, but not in the typical form!" Merlin pulled up a holographic screen for the Guardians to view. "Okay, Angel. First, we have the buckler. It's a small shield, good for blocking while in hand-to-hand combat, and agility... And, you could possibly throw the shield at your enemies..." "Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! Isn't there already a comic character that used shields?" Angel asked. Logan shrugged his shoulders. Merlin went to the next picture. "Next, we have the scutum. This is a much larger shield, used primarily for defensive purposes. City Guard use this..." "I thought you're gonna train me in mystic arts?" Angel interupted. "I am. But first, we have to figure out what kind of shield you want to use before we can learn to conjure it..." Merlin replied. Angel began playing with a ball of Void Light that she generated. "Is there anyway I could create a bubble shield?" Everyone looked at the titaness. Merlin slowly shook side to side. "I'm sorry, Angel, the Ward of Dawn is the only thing on record..." "On record, my a**!..." Angel exclaimed. "If the Light is truly malleable, then there has to be another way to create a ward," the titaness continued. "Like how?" Logan asked. The titaness thought, and then she remembered something. "I think I have an idea..." Angel said, rather confidently.



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