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8/17/2017 4:20:18 AM

Can't join Clan!

I have my Playstation account linked to and am trying to join a clan, I went to thie bungie page and joined their group (no problem), but when I go to join the clan by "set the clan for playstation account" I get a splash screen that says there is an invitation pending, with this at the end (1904). This pending message has been there for two days. I have contacted the admin of the clan and he says to go here for answers. Am I missing something???



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  • Hello, Could you please go in your Bungie account settings, and then under Accounts & Linking please make sure you have the "Display on Profile" box checked next to your PlayStation account and then click Save. Then have the clan try to approve your clan request again.



    Fate i bravi. Prima di postare date un'occhiata al nostro codice di condotta. Annulla Modifica Crea squadra Invia

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